Logging In
You can log in to ThousandEyes using either a local login or use your organization’s identity provider (IdP) with Single Sign-On (SSO). Local login involves creating a unique username and password managed within the platform, while SSO allows for secure access to ThousandEyes and other integrated applications using a single set of credentials. The following sections detail each authentication method, highlighting their features and benefits.
Local Login
With ThousandEyes local login, you are prompted to enter your username and password. This method provides a quick setup process because it does not require integration with external identity providers, making it ideal for environments that do not need external identity management.
Note that ThousandEyes username and password are region specific, for example if you want to log in to an EU region you must use the EU password. If your username and password are the same across all regions, you will be logged into the US1 region by default and can switch to your desired region afterward.
SSO Login
With SSO login, ThousandEyes accepts your credentials from your registered identity provider. For more information on how to configure SSO, see How to Configure Single Sign-On (SSO).
By default, you can choose to log in using your IdP or local authentication. If Forced SSO is enabled, you can only log in using your IdP. For more information see, Enabled vs. Forced SSO.
To log in with SSO:
On ThousandEyes login page, click Single sign-on.
Enter your SSO email address and click Log in.
When redirected to your IdP's login page, enter your credentials and click Enter.
After entering you credentials through your IdP, you are redirected to your ThousandEyes dashboard page.
Troubleshooting Login
If either your email address or password are incorrect, you will receive an error. If you think you’ve forgotten your password, follow the steps below. You can only reset your password once every 24 hours. If you try to reset it within that time frame, you will receive an error.
If you’re not sure you are using the right email address, contact support@thousandeyes.com.
Forgotten ThousandEyes Password
If you are logging in locally and forget your password:
On the ThousandEyes login page, click Forgot Password.
In the email field, enter your registered email and click Send Reset Link.
The following message appears: “If a valid username was entered, an email with reset instructions will be sent to the associated account”.
If you attempt to reset your password using an email address not registered with ThousandEyes, you will receive a notification stating that no account is associated with that email address.
Check your inbox for a reset password email from ThousandEyes.
Click the reset password link in the email.
The link is only valid for two hours from the time you receive the email.
Enter and confirm your new password. Click Continue.
Return to the login page and enter your credentials with the new password.
No SSO Email Address
If you log in using SSO and the email address entered on the ThousandEyes SSO login screen is not registered with your default ThousandEyes organization, you will receive an error. If retyping your email address or using a different one results in the same error, try logging in locally before contacting support@thousandeyes.com for assistance.
Incorrect IdP Credentials
If you enter an incorrect email address or password on your identity provider’s (IdP) login screen, you will receive an error message. To resolve this issue, please contact your organization’s IdP administrator or reach out to the IdP directly.
Last updated