Viewing Agents

This guide explains how to view and manage individual Device Agents from within the management suite. You can view useful environmental information, such as physical connection data and MAC and IP addresses, as well as debugging information, and you can manage the metadata of these agents.

Agent View

  1. Go to Connected Devices > Management Suite on the left navigation.

  2. Select Agents, if not already selected.

  3. Use the filter and search fields to find a specific agent.

    • Select the field category you want to search on.

    • Type the relevant value for that field in the search box.

  4. Click Search.

  5. Click View to see more details about the agent.

On this page you can:

  • View information about the agent such as ID, MAC address, serial number and device model.

  • See the last seen date - when it last communicated with our data collection infrastructure.

  • View connection data reported by the agent such as IP address and link speed.

  • View and modify the ISP, package and timezone of the agent.

  • View and modify custom metadata field values.

  • View and modify the test schedule associated with the agent.

  • Click View in Analytics to view just that agent in Connected Devices > Analytics.

  • Click View in ConstantCare to view the agent’s recent performance and test results.

User View

To view the user details associated with an agent, including their name, email, account status, last login, and IP address:

  1. In Connected Devices > Management Suite, select Agent Owners.

  2. Search or scroll for an agent owner and click View in the last column.

Last updated