Life of a Recommendation
WAN Insights recommendations are generated, acted upon, or terminated according to current path quality measures. To actually apply a recommendation requires you to click through to vManage through an automated workflow using the WAN Insights Request to Apply button for the recommendation as described in Applying WAN Insights Recommendations.
In addition, WAN Insights may terminate a previously generated recommendation, if the conditions that caused WAN Insights to create the recommendation are no longer true.
Recommendations can be in one of the following states:
Pending application
Pending revert
See Recommendations Screen for a description of how recommendation cards are displayed and grouped on the All tab, according to these states.
Recommendation Flow for User Actions
The image below shows the relationship between WAN Insights recommendation states and user actions. Note that while the Request to Apply allows you to click through to vManage, the actual path change updates still require user action. You must still accept the changes in order to apply the changes in your SD-WAN.

As shown in the graphic above:
After a request to apply, but before the apply is completed in vManage, the recommendation in WAN Insights will have a state of Pending application and displays a Cancel Request button.
After apply is completed in vManage, the WAN Insights recommendation details will show a state of Applied with a Request to Revert button.
After request to revert, but before actual revert is completed in vManage, the WAN Insights recommendation will show a state of Pending revert and a Cancel Request button.
WAN Insights continuously evaluates the quality for all endpoint pairs in the network. In the event that it finds that a recommendation is now decreasing performance, it will issues a termination for that recommendation.
There is an active recommendation suggesting a better path than the one you’re using now for your application traffic.
Click Request to Apply in WAN Insights and then click through to vAnalytics and vManage to complete the change, or do nothing and leave it in the Ready state
Pending application
Someone has clicked Request to Apply for this recommendation, but the recommended path changes have not yet been completed.
Complete the steps to apply the recommendation first in vAnalytics, and then in vManage, or click Cancel Request in WAN Insights to put the recommendation back into the Ready state, or do nothing and leave it in the Pending application state
The WAN Insights recommended path changes have been made, and should be fully active in your SD-WAN.
Monitor the path quality in WAN Insights for expected improvements, or click Request to Revert in WAN Insights and then click through to vAnalytics and vManage to complete the change
Pending revert
Someone has clicked Request to Revert on a previously applied recommendation.
Click Cancel Request in WAN Insights, and continue with the revert process in vAnalytics and vManage, or do nothing and leave it in the Pending revert state
WAN Insights has terminated this recommendation because the path quality prediction is no longer valid.
No user action is required.
Terminated Recommendations
WAN Insights re-evaluates the forecasted and actual path quality once per day, based on the last 7 days of data. Assuming there’s already a recommendation active in the Ready state, one of the following occurs:
If a better path still exists, and it’s the same as the recommended path, the recommendation remains in the Ready state, same as before.
If a better path still exists, but it’s not the same one as before, WAN Insights terminates the old recommendation and generates a new recommendation.
If no better path exists at all, WAN Insights terminates the old recommendation, but does not generate a new one.
Last updated