POSIX Extended Regular Expression Syntax (Quick Reference)

This article lays out POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax implemented by ThousandEyes for page content verification in HTTP Server tests. For those wanting a more comprehensive article on this regular expression syntax, along with testing and troubleshooting guidelines, see this article.

Single-Character Expressions

.matches any character


matches any character found in the range of x-y


matches any character found in the bracketed list


matches any digit character (0-9)


matches any alphanumeric character, including underscore


matches any whitespace character

matches a newline character


matches x OR y


escape character


non-alphanumeric character


non-digit character


non-whitespace character


matches any character NOT found in the bracketed list


{n}previous expression matches exactly n times


previous expression matches at least n times


previous expression matches at most m times


previous expression matches between n and m times (inclusive)


previous expression matches 0 or more times


previous expression matches 0 or 1 times


previous expression matches 1 or more times


(start of pattern


end of pattern


^beginning of line (only valid when used at the beginning of a pattern)


end of line (only valid when used at the end of a pattern)


beginning of input (start of the page)


end of input (end of the page)


word boundary

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