Using the BGP Route Visualization View
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ThousandEyes monitors BGP routes from both corporate and service provider networks, giving you visibility into inbound routes to your prefixes and outbound routes to key services and endpoints. ThousandEyes BGP monitoring pulls in data from multiple sources to help identify issues stemming from changes in data routing. Because the BGP route visualization represents how this data traverses the internet, it can assist you in troubleshooting issues that prevent packets from reaching their desired destination.
In addition to creating a standalone BGP test, when you create any test that includes network measurements – including Network, HTTP Server (with network measurements enabled), page load (with network measurements enabled), or DNS server (with network measurements enabled), you get access to the BGP view.
BGP data collection must be enabled in order to view the BGP layer for other test types. This option is enabled by default. To modify BGP data collection, from Test Settings, go to the Advanced tab and select the Collect BGP Data check box under Network.
For more information about setting up BGP tests, see BGP Tests.
For an overview of using views, see Getting Started with Views.
For a comprehensive list of Views 2.0 features, see Introducing Views 2.0.
For instructions on navigating between layouts, and setting default preferences, see Navigating Between Views Layouts.
For more information on using multi-service views, see Multi-Service Views.
The screenshot below shows the BGP layer for a site that is monitored using an HTTP Server test, with network measurements enabled:
Title Bar - Includes the title of the test as well as information about when the test was created.
Prefix selector – Use this control to change which network prefix is being displayed in the BGP layer. All tests which have network measurements enabled will be shown, including disabled tests. The test selector shows each test listed, with each destination server prefix shown as a selectable child item in the list of tests. In this example, there is only one prefix listed – this corresponds to the network where the target corresponding to the test is located.
Prefixes Shown:
All announced, matching prefixes are shown for each server address. For example, suppose both and are announced. A connection has one endpoint: Both matching prefixes will be shown in the list of prefixes. Thus, it is always possible to see the routes that will be used if is ever withdrawn.
All prefixes used by the test over time are listed. If the destination server rotates between different IP addresses or networks, each will be shown in the list. This may be an indication that the test target is hosted on a CDN provider’s servers, such as Akamai.
ThousandEyes tests generate data for a prefix for 7 days after the prefix and all related sub-prefixes are removed.
If the target IP and prefix changes for a test, the BGP view will keep generating data for 7 days after the change.
Timeline - See Timeline.
Route Visualization - See Route Visualization.
The timeline shows the lesser of 30 days, or the length of time that the test has been enabled, by charting the average values for the metric selected. To change the data displayed, either use the 24h (trailing 24 hours) / 7d (trailing 7 days) / 14d (trailing 14 days) links, click the zoom out and latest buttons, or click and highlight the requested area of the chart, and it will re-draw appropriately. The lower timeline will allow you to zoom in on a particular date and time.
Metric Selection - Choose among the various BGP metrics available. These metrics are listed below. Changing the selected metric changes the timeline to reflect that metric:
Path Changes: A timeline with a flat set of results is an indication of a very stable network. Spikes indicate an increase in the number of path changes.
Reachability: a timeline with a flat set of results (showing 100% reachability) is important for stability. Focus on dips in the timeline to isolate a network event.
Updates: A timeline with a flat set of results is an indication of a very stable network. Spikes indicate an increase in the number of updates.
For more information on metrics that the ThousandEyes platform captures, see ThousandEyes Metrics: What Do Your Results Mean? Changing the selected metric changes the content of the timeline and the coloring of the monitors in the visualization. By default, the Reachability metric is selected.
The BGP timeline supports selecting multiple metrics. To learn more about selecting multiple metrics, see Getting Started with Views: Metric Selector.
Monitor Overlay - Select specific monitors to show in the timeline view for easier root cause analysis and reporting. For more information about selecting monitors, see the Route Visualization section.
BGP route visualization illustrates the past and present AS paths taken from all traffic from all monitors travelling to a destination. You can use this visualization to get more context when troubleshooting and identifying routing outages.
Monitor Selection – This control is unique to the BGP route visualization. Monitor selection allows you to isolate specific geographies and networks, so you can identify BGP events which occur in relation to a web property you are monitoring.
By default, the BGP route visualization shows icons from all BGP monitors. You can filter specific monitors using the additional selection menus in the Show field.
Grouping – Controls the way the BGP Monitors are shown. They can be displayed as not grouped (grouping by "Monitor") or grouped by the network in which they reside.
Highlight - Search for an autonomous system, IP address, prefix or rDNS entry shown in the visualization.
Monitor and Origin Complexity Controls - This control is also present in the path visualization view, but it effectively allows simplification of the BGP route visualization by collapsing routes between various autonomous systems. The further apart the endpoints on the slider are, the less complex the visualization.
The path visualization can indicate the effects of a routing change by showing affected routes and nodes. Identifying routing changes can be helpful, for example, in a root cause analysis on impacts on service availability.
Color gradiation is used to indicate how impacted a monitor is by the selected metric. This is determined by the value of the metric. Green indicates a healthy, unimpacted monitor. A red monitor is significantly impacted. Anything in between indicates a partial impact that should be investigated.
Select a test with BGP monitoring. Select BGP from the view options. The default metric shown on the timeline is Path Changes. You can display additional metrics using the Metrics menu.
The blue bars on the timeline indicate reported path changes. Click on a blue bar to update the BGP route visualization.
Routes affected by the path change are now red. The affected hop appears as a red dotted line. The affected links are a solid red line.
You can also use the Warnings menu to display any problem areas.
Click on a hop to expand it. Hover over a monitor to get more information. All items affected by path changes are colored red.
Select View details of path changes from the details pop-up to view the details of the detected path change.
Add the affected monitor to the timeline view by clicking on the Monitors button and clicking on the checkbox next to the monitor name. You can also add additional metrics to the timeline to see what else may have been impacted by the detected path change.
Add another metric to the timeline to further explore the impacts of routing changes.
Next step: Set up Alerts.
The following sections describe each symbol used in the BGP route visualization.
The network prefix
Origination Node
The network hosting the network prefix selected in the test selector
Transit Network
Networks being used in the path from each selected monitor are shown in grey shaded circles, with the network’s autonomous system (AS) number shown inside the circle.
Private (customer-owned) BGP Monitor
BGP monitors that you set up and maintain.
Public BGP Monitor
Monitors provided by public data sources: RouteViews and RIPE RIS.
ThousandEyes BGP Monitor
Monitors set up and maintained by ThousandEyes.
Next Nodes
Monitors can be displayed on multiple pages. Use this button to display the next set of monitors in the Route Visualization view.
Link Path thickness
Indicates of the number of routes which traverse a network; a thicker path includes more routes.
Hop collapsed
Using the monitor and origin complexity controls allows paths to be collapsed in order to view content more easily. Collapsed content is shown as a black dotted line, with the number of network hops shown as a path label. Click the label to expand the obscured paths.
RPKI Status Invalid
Incorrect origin ASN, or prefix length is larger than maxLength.
Newly Announced Route
When a route is added, newly used links are shown in a solid red line.
Withdrawn Route
When a route is withdrawn, links that are no longer used are shown as red dotted lines.
Node Not Found
When a route is withdrawn, the broadcasting node can become unreachable.
Typically, newly announced routes will be shown in conjunction with withdrawn routes, indicating a routing preference change.
Selected Link/Node Details - When either a link or a node is selected in the route visualization, they appear in the link/node details, which is expandable by clicking the down arrow.