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This article describes how to navigate to and interact with the ThousandEyes views. This document describes the primary view layout used throughout the user interface of the application, and makes reference to two other interactive views.
The Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Views page provides an in-depth viewing platform for all test data. You can navigate between different perspectives, then drill down in the data to identify issues and determine the root cause.
This article provides a high-level overview of the Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Views page, including how to navigate it, and what is available within it.
ThousandEyes uses a standard top navigation bar throughout the entire application. The top nav layout is documented in the figure below.
Menu toggle: Toggle displaying or hiding the Menu on the left side of the page.
Page name: Displays the current page name.
Agent status: Displays a drop-down list of all Enterprise Agents, along with their status. The icon displays a circle with a count of Agent alerts.
Notifications: Displays a drop-down list of notifications, such as Live Shares awaiting your approval. The icon displays a red circle with a count of notifications.
Help & Support: Displays a menu of help and support options:
Documentation and videos
Live chat for live support via in-app chat during support hours
Contact Customer Engineering to submit a support ticket via a web form, in a new browser tab or window
Page tour, to get context-sensitive information about the current page
User menu: Displays a list of Account Groups available, with the current Account Group initially visible. Select an Account Group name to switch to that Account Group context. Also displays your ThousandEyes name and login ID (email address) as well as a link to the Account Settings page and a logout link.
Account Group: Displays the name of the current Account Group context.
The Menu appears on the left side of the application window, unless your window width is below a minimum size, in which case it will be hidden until the Menu toggle (#1 above) is clicked. The Menu provides access to the top-level pages of the application for configuration of tests, displaying of test results, and other major functions. The top-level entries on the Menu are described below.
Cloud & Enterprise Agents: Views of tests from, and settings for Cloud Agents, Enterprise Agents and BGP monitors.
Endpoint Agents: Views of tests from, and settings for Endpoint Agents.
Devices: Views of data from, and settings for monitored devices.
Dashboard link: Dashboards in the current account group.
Alerts: Alert information for your account group and alert rule settings, including suppression windows.
Reports: Reports for your account group and report settings.
Sharing: Snapshots, saved events, and embedded widgets for your account group.
Account Settings: Administer user profiles, permissions, and account groups. Browse usage, billing, and quotas; and view the activity log. Administer organization security configurations, including SCIM, SSO, security profile, and timezone configurations.
Occasionally, a system notification may appear, announcing major new features or changes, or other system information. Each notification is only shown one time per user account, and can be dismissed either by clicking the link contained in the notification, or by clicking the X icon to the right of the notification. Notifications are always linked to an article posted in the Customer Success Center, so don't worry -- if you dismiss it accidentally, you can log in to to get the current notification. Here's a sample notification:
The ThousandEyes standard view is used across all Network, DNS, Voice and Web tests. It provides a consistent layout when working with test results. The ThousandEyes standard view layout is documented in the figure below, with numbered callouts for each section. Below the figure is a numbered list corresponding to the callouts, explaining each part of the layout.
The Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Views page can be broken into four main parts:
The top configuration bar contains the test selector and global filters.
The left-hand views list.
The primary panel contains the metric selector, overlays, and the timeline.
The secondary panel contains the detailed metrics tabs.
The test selector allows you to select one or more tests that you want to review in the timeline and detailed metrics tabs.
To find the tests you are interested in, you can scroll through the full list, use the search bar, or filter by a selection of options available in the right hand panel, including Test Status, Shared/Not Shared, and Test Type.
To open a single test, click on the test to select it.
To add more tests to the current view, click the plus symbol (+) when hovering over the test. Up to ten tests can be selected at a time, though not all test types can be viewed together. For more information, see Multi-Service Views.
The global filters are a set of dynamic drop-down menus that allow you to further define the data presented on the timeline and in the detailed metrics tabs. Different filters are available depending on the test type currently being viewed.
Changes made to the global filters affect all aspects of the view. This means that when you filter by, for example, the London, England agent in the screenshot above, the timeline and all data in the detailed metrics tabs will update to show only data for that agent.
The views list allows you to navigate between different views within the selected test(s). In the example above, you can view HTTP server, agent to server, or BGP data for the selected test. Each option changes the metrics shown in the timeline, the available global filters, and the viewable detailed metrics tabs.
The metric selector is a drop-down menu that allows you to define which metrics you want to look at or compare. Multiple metrics can be viewed at once by clicking the relevant checkbox beside the desired metrics.
Some metrics cannot be compared. These metrics will have a grayed out checkbox when the cursor hovers over them.
Unlike global filters, overlays only apply to the timeline. These overlays allow you to highlight agents, markers, and monitors within the broader timeline to better understand metrics like loss, latency, and jitter from a global perspective, and identify regions that may require a deeper dive.
The overlays also allow you to see the isolated view of metrics from the perspective of different agents for a better understanding of global performance.
For example, you can see in the screenshot above there are minor spikes in loss along the timeline. With the overlays, you can identify which agents are performing consistently, and which are performing abnormally, and require closer inspection.
The timeline is the primary focus of the Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Views page. It shows test data from the last 14 days, or the length of time the test has been enabled (whichever is the lesser value). The data shown on the timeline can be manipulated by selecting the shortcuts for 24 hours (24h), 7 days (7d), or 14 days (14d), by clicking within the timeline to select a particular round of data, or highlighting a range within the timeline to focus on a smaller time period.
Changes to the timeline, like selecting a specific round, or narrowing the range of time, will result in the detailed metrics tabs updating to mirror the changes.
The detailed metrics tabs are a dynamic set of additional views available depending on which test view is currently selected. These tabs include:
The Map tab displays the global position of each of the vantage points used for the test.
The Table and Agents tabs provide a detailed collection of information about each of the agents related to the test.
The Servers tab provides a detailed collection of information about each of the relevant servers.
The Path Visualization tab allows you to visualize the path trace data between vantage points and target locations to identify problem areas in both the private and public network infrastructure. It can be accessed from the Views List in the primary panel. For more information, see Path Visualization.
The BGP Route Visualization tab allows you to visualize how data is being routed across the internet, and troubleshoot issues that may be preventing packets from getting to their desired destination. It can be accessed from the Views List in the primary panel. See Using the BGP Route Visualization View.
Cloud Insights offers several visualizations and metrics for monitoring cloud native network traffic. For more information, see Cloud Insights: Views: CEA Views.
The following table shows a list of tests and links to articles describing how to interact with the views for each test.
View Name
Uses Layout
Applies to tests
Article link
Agent to Server, Agent to Agent, FTP Server_, HTTP Server_, Page Load_, DNS Server_, SIP Server*
Path Visualization
Path Visualization
Agent to Server, Agent to Agent, FTP Server_, HTTP Server_, Page Load_, DNS Server_, SIP Server_, RTP Stream_*
BGP Route Visualization
BGP Visualization
Agent to Server, Agent to Agent, FTP Server_, HTTP Server_, Page Load_, DNS Server_, SIP Server_, RTP Stream_*
Cloud Insights
Cloud Configuration
Agent to Server, HTTP Server_, Page Load_*
DNS Domain Trace
DNS Domain Trace
DNS Server Metrics
DNS Server
HTTP Server
HTTP Server, Page Load
Page Load
HTTP Server, Page Load
FTP Server
FTP Server
SIP Server
SIP Server
RTP Stream
RTP Stream
* When the Perform network measurements option is selected in the Advanced Settings tab of the test configuration