Transaction Test Table Tab View
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Last updated
Due to recent platform-wide naming, navigation, and URL changes in the product, you may notice some discrepancies between the product and the screenshots displayed in our technical documentation. The instructions and actual pages in the product are still valid and haven’t changed. Please bear with us as we update our screenshots to better match the in-product experience. See the full scope of changes on Naming and Navigation Menu changes - Summary List.
For transaction tests as well as other test types, the Table tab can show a wide variety of data. However, when a date is shown, the last completed test is of particular importance, because you might want to know how the test time was derived, so that you can match it up with your error logs, server logs, or firewall data.
This article contains screenshot views and instructions that reference “Classic” test views. ThousandEyes is in the process of introducing multi-service views that combine multiple test views into one multi-service view. See Multi-Service Views for more information.
Note that the Table tab doesn't display for every type of test.
It only displays for tests where data can be summarized, such as HTTP server, agent to server, or DNSSEC tests.
Even with these tests, the Table tab only displays when certain views are selected, for example Transaction, HTTP Server, or Overview.
In some views, such as the DNS Server view, it'll show up twice, summarizing Servers and Agents separately.
To see the Table tab, go to Network & App Synthetics > Views and select a test from the Current Test drop-down at the top. For transaction, page load, HTTP server, and network-layer tests, the Table tab generally shows the most recent test run performed by each agent assigned to the test you have selected.
The Table tab is not exclusive to web-layer tests, and it can show different data depending on your selections - test, time range, agents, and so on. However, tests such as the transaction or page load test are more complex in terms of what’s available to view.
The Date (UTC) field shown in the Table tab represents the end of the data collection cycle, and is the time when when the agent has finished collecting data. Thus, this time is local to the agent and is not the time when the ThousandEyes backend has received the data.
Note that the date and time might vary slightly, depending on which view you select, even for the same test and the same agent. The reason is that the agent doesn’t actually run each part of the test simultaneously.