Working with the Activity Log
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The activity log provides a history of actions by the ThousandEyes users in your organization. Activity data is retained for 2 years. To get to the activity log, go to Manage > Account Settings > Activity Log. The activity log tracks events such as test creation, updates, deletions, login, logout, and other activities. The activity log does not track timeout events (i.e., when a user's login session times out). The activity log also displays a timestamp and user metadata for each event.
The following figure shows an example of what you might see when you view the activity log:
The main components in this view are
For each event, the following information is logged:
Timestamp in coordinated universal time (UTC)
Account group in which the action was performed
User performing the activity
Event type
Component accessed by the user
Description of the event
The entries displayed in your view of the activity log depend on your role within the organization:
Users who have the Organization Admin role see activities from all users across all accounts in the organization.
Users who have the Account Admin role see activities from users in their account only.
Users who have the Regular User role see a history of their logins and logouts.
The Time Range Selector allows you to set the period for which you wish to view events in the table. As shown in the following screenshot, there are quick selectors for the Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 1 month, and so on.
You can also select a specific range of time with the Custom Time Range box:
When you click inside the gray box under Custom Time Range, the platform displays a dialog. You can select a range of time using the From and To fields. Once you have specified your desired range, click the Apply button to display the results.
Filters allow you to specify what information you want to see in the activity log. The following filters are available:
Event Type - The category of the logged activity. There are four categories:
System - Any authentication actions such as user login or account group switch, and application settings changes such as time zone.
Operation - Any actions that affect your ThousandEyes resources, such as changes to tests, agents, or alerts, or report creation or modification.
Administration - Any actions that apply to your administration of the application, such as changes to an account group or its tokens, or a new or modified integration.
Exception - Any errors flagged by the application during failure events, such as login failed.
Component - The module of the platform that was affected by the logged activity.
Account Group - The account group from which the logged activity originated.
User - The user who initiated the logged activity.
IP Address - The IP address from which the logged activity originated.
Event - A short description of the logged activity.
When you select a filter type, it populates with the selections that are available in the activity log for that particular filter:
For example, as shown above, when you select the Event filter type, the platform displays a list of the available events in the activity log. If you select one of these event types, the activity log displays only events that meet your criteria. To add additional filters, use Add a filter.
To export the activity log as a list, click Download and select Download as a CSV.
When applying filters on specific time ranges, the filters are locked to that specific time range. Any additional filters added will continue to show results from the specified time range. If you change the time range, the filters will continue to show data from the previous time range you had selected. In order to show data which corresponds to your newly selected time range, you will need to remove and reapply all filters after the new time range has been selected.
If your organization has Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled, this can affect how logout events are tracked by the activity log. Unless your organization has Single Logout configured through your SSO provider, the activity log will not track logout events.
Role-Based Access Control provides an overview of how to manage your own user account, security settings, contact information, and information about your organization.
Role-based Access Control, Explained discusses the model for user and user group management utilized by the ThousandEyes platform.