Video Streaming Test Suite

We have developed a variety of video streaming measurements that stream real content from major video streaming providers. This allows you to gain an accurate view of how video is delivered to you.

Streaming Services Supported

The video streaming services we provide tests for include:

Streaming Metrics Measured

All of the streaming services we test against measure broadly the same metrics in the same way, give or take a few proprietary differences detailed in the specific articles.

The focus of our tests helps us understand the bitrate reliably streamed for a connection. We typically do this by starting testing at the highest supportable bitrate and then step down if and when stalls occur. All tests also have an option to continue at a fixed bitrate and simply record the number and duration of underrun events.

The outputs measured include:

  • The bitrate reliably streamed.

  • The start-up delay (the time taken to download two seconds of video).

  • The TCP connection time.

  • The number of stalls and their duration (this is only applicable if the test is not running in the “bitrate reliably streamed” mode).

Some tests also collect data on the downstream throughput achieved.

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