Release Notes: 2015-07-22

This week's release is around Enterprise Agent clusters - a new feature that allows an administrator to group agents in a single location together, for ease of agent selection for end users. Of course, that's not all we've been working on, but it's the central component of our release this week. Check out the notes below to see what we've been busy working on, and let us know if you have any questions.

New Cloud Agent locations

Did you miss DevOps Engineer Victor Garcia explaining how we choose Cloud Agent locations? Check out this Blog post to learn more about how our DevOps team works its magic.

This week, we've added Cloud Agents in the following locations:

  • Dublin, Ireland (second provider)

  • Oakland, California

  • Mumbai, India

These agents are immediately available to paying customers. Please note that access to these agents is not included in trial subscriptions.

Enterprise Agent clusters

As mentioned above, Enterprise Agent clusters allow administrators to group agents in a single location into a single selectable entity under test selection, and distribute load across all cluster members in order to scale testing from a single location.

Check out our Knowledge Base article on Working with Enterprise Agent clusters for more information.


We've removed the Path Visualization capability of the Enterprise Agent status dashboard widget, and added some components to the map view:

  • Quick status in upper left corner: you'll see agent status (online/offline) along with the number of agents in each status category

  • Mouseover shows IP addresses: when mousing over an agent, you'll now see the IP addresses (both public and private) for each agent

  • Agent hyperlinked to agent settings page: when mousing over an agent, click the agent name to open the agent settings page with that agent in context.


We've made some minor updates to version 5 of our API to accommodate Enterprise Agent clusters. Check out our developer reference site at for updates.

Questions, comments?

As always, we can't get enough commentary from our customers. No, seriously: I really like hearing from you. Drop us a note to say hi and ask any questions; we'll be happy to answer whatever comes up.

Last updated