Getting Started With Transaction Tests
ThousandEyes transaction tests mimic user journeys through web applications, enabling you to make sure those journeys complete successfully and providing insight into the user experience. The video below reviews basic transaction testing concepts and data views, and demonstrates how to create your first transaction test.
Transaction Test Basics
After reviewing the video above, you can try using the ThousandEyes Recorder together with the ThousandEyes platform to generate the script for a simple transaction test such as loading a publicly available home page and clicking a page element to navigate to a second page.
However, there are many more aspects to transaction tests than these simple exercises can convey. After you’ve created a sample test and viewed the test results on the Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Views page, the next step is to review the following pages:
Working with Web Development Tools provides a collection of resources that introduce the web development tools that are already built into the Chrome web browser. These tools provide insight into the structure and inner workings of web applications.
Working with Secure Credentials details how to use the ThousandEyes credentials repository for transaction tests that deal with authentication.
Transaction Scripting Reference outlines the libraries and methods used in ThousandEyes transaction scripts. You can manually add these into your scripts if needed, as there are some operations that you can't add to your script using the ThousandEyes Recorder.
Advanced Scenarios
When you’re ready to dig a little deeper, try these articles as well:
Executing Custom JavaScript Code explains the specifics of two JavaScript code execution contexts that are present in transactions and concludes with example of how to execute custom JavaScript code in the web browser context.
API Monitoring is the specification of the ThousandEyes transaction testing API. The transaction testing API is the toolset available for creating transaction tests.
Getting Help
Questions about transaction tests can be directed to the ThousandEyes Customer Engineering team, following the guidelines on Getting Support from Thousandeyes.
For extensive transaction scripting assistance or customized training, reach out to the ThousandEyes Professional Services team.
Last updated