Router Agents

The router agent allows you to embed our testing software directly inside your fleet of routers, and measure performance in excess of 2.5 Gbps for tens of millions of homes. You can then use the results to demonstrate that you’re delivering on your promises.

Agent Features

  • Test scheduling – Different schedules may be configured for different tests. Different devices may have different schedules. Multiple instances of a single test may be configured.

    • Tests – We measure multiple network layers and different applications to assure your users' connection health and quality of experience.

  • LMAP (RFC 7594) client for remote configuration updates – The test schedule and device configuration can be remotely configured via your account, and internally uses the LMAP configuration protocol.

  • Instant testing – Allows the remote execution of the download, upload and latency/loss measurements, with the real-time reporting of the results back to the caller.

  • Cross-traffic detection – Defines the maximum amount of cross-traffic that you will allow when running tests. If this is exceeded, the tests will not run. The thresholds for this may be configured remotely.

  • CPU load detection – A CPU usage threshold can be configured (and updated remotely) to set a maximum CPU load under which you will conduct tests.

  • Test server discovery – The agent can determine the best server to use if provided a list of on-net or off-net servers via a short latency check to each.

Where the Agents Test To

The router agent can execute tests to servers on your private on-net network and to any of our off-net servers (see Test Server Methodology to learn more about on-net and off-net test servers). Agents can also execute tests to many application servers to simulate a real-world experience of a user accessing those applications. See Dynamic Application Test Suites for more information about some of our application server tests.

How You Access Agent Data

We provide our ISP, government, and enterprise users with a user interface to access the measurement results and manage their devices, as well as several APIs (see Accessing Your APIs for more information about the APIs we provide).

Last updated