Multi-Service Views

Multi-service views allow ThousandEyes users to build a more comprehensive view of their environment by combining multiple test views into one multi-service view. These views allow users to look at a service from multiple angles, or multiple services from the same angle, in order to simplify/streamline the root cause analysis process and assist in identifying issues quickly.

Multi-service views are available for HTTP server and Agent to server tests. You can also combine other tests such as DNS server, page load, and transaction tests together for correlation across HTTP server and network views.

Agent to agent tests are currently not supported.

This section explains how to implement a multi-service view, how it changes what your test data means, and the limitations of the current implementation.

Configure a Multi-Service View

Create a Multi-Service View

To create a multi-service view:

  1. Navigate to the Network & App Synthetics > Views page.

  2. Open the Current Test drop-down menu.

Tests that support multi-service views show a Plus icon when the mouse cursor is hovered over them.

To add tests to the views:

  • Click the Plus icon beside each desired individual test.

  • Click the Group By > Labels button, and click the Plus icon beside a label name to add all tests in that label. For information on creating labels, see Create a Group Label.

  • Use test and label filters to identify the desired tests, and click the Add to Selected Tests link at the bottom of the list of tests to add all filtered tests.

Tests that do not support multi-service views show a restricted icon instead of the plus icon.

Save a Multi-Service View

Currently, there is no way to “save” a multi-service view. However, to quickly recreate one at any time, create a specific label for the tests that can later be added to the view. For information on creating labels, see Create a Group Label.

Exit a Multi-Service View

There are several ways to exit a multi-service view:

  • Open the Current Test drop-down menu and select a specific test.

  • Click the Remove icon beside the tests you want to remove (this icon replaces the Plus icon for tests that are in a multi-service view).

  • Open the Server drop-down menu and select the specific test you want to look at.

Review Multi-Service View Test Data


Unlike in a normal Timeline view, where only a single test's data is displayed, the multi-service view often includes several tests with relevant data points, which may run at different intervals. For this reason, the multi-service view timeline uses the largest interval for the included tests, and aggregates data using a weighted average of all data points collected within the round.

Consider a multi-service view that has two tests. Test A has a five minute interval, and test B has a two minute interval. The multi-service view will show five minute rounds. The data points aggregated within a round will then be determined by the exact time the data is collected.

For example, let's say the round runs from 10:00pm to 10:05pm. One data point will be collected within that time for test A. For test B, there are potentially as many as three data points that could be collected: 10:00pm-10:02pm, 10:02pm-10:04pm, and 10:04pm-10:06pm. If the data is collected between 10:04pm and 10:05pm, there will be three data points, whereas if the data is collected between 10:05pm and 10:06pm, there will be two in this round.

These data points are all shown individually in the Table view. However, in the Timeline view, a single data point determined by the weighted average (the total value of all data points in the round divided by the number of data points) will be shown instead.

This averaging only applies to the Timeline view.

To navigate to, or focus on, a single test within the multi-service view, open the Server drop-down menu and select the desired test. Server selection updates the timeline and table components of each layer within the views:

Path Visualization

The Path Visualization view combines the path visualizations of all tests included in the multi-service view. For more information on the Path Visualization view, see Using the Path Visualization View.

The Path Visualization view can be filtered by opening the Servers drop-down, and de-selecting specific servers:

Table View

The Table view shows all datapoints for the selected round, rather than averaging them as the Timeline view does. An additional column is added to the table for multi-service views, to show which test the datapoint is related to:

Multi-Service Snapshots

Snapshots are supported for multi-service views. For more information on snapshots, see Snapshots.


The multi-service view feature currently has the following limitations:

  • Multi-service views support a maximum of 10 tests. If a label contains more than 10 tests, the top 10 alphabetically will be added to the view.

  • Agent to agent tests are currently not supported.

  • Instant tests are currently not supported for multi-service views. However, instant tests can be run/created for each individual test that is part of the multi-service view as normal.

Last updated