Email Notifications
You can configure your WAN Insights user settings in your ThousandEyes user profile to receive daily status emails with changes for recommendations, summarized by application category. By default, email notifications are turned off. Changes are within the last 24 hours.
Setting Up Email Notifications
As soon as email notifications are turned on, WAN Insights sends daily emails with the summary of the insights and recommendations, to the email address associated with that user’s login credentials. You can turn on notifications under Users and Roles, as shown below.
To turn on email notifications:
Navigate to Account Settings > Users and Roles.
Choose tabs for Account Profile > User Profile.
Check the box under WAN Insights for Email notifications enabled.
Click Save Changes.
What’s In the Email Notifications
A sample email might look like this:
The daily email shows recommendation changes by site, for each application category. If there are no recommendations, or no changes, it is not included in the email.
Email Notification States
The following labels apply for email notifications:
Created - A new recommendation is available for review. This notification appears when there is no prior active recommendation for this site, for this application category.
Updated - There was a previous site-level recommendation for this application category, but the recommendation has now changed. (The previous recommendation is Terminated by the system.)
Terminated - The previous recommendation has been terminated by WAN Insights, and there are no new recommendations for any sites within this application category. The implied directive is to leave things the way they are.
Last updated