FAQs: Usage
How Are Units Deducted from My Balance?
Your unit consumption of Cloud, Enterprise, and Device Agent tests per billing period is dependent on how you set up your scheduled tests, and how many times you run an instant test. Every time a test is scheduled to run, or every time you run an instant test, the units associated with that test accrue towards your monthly allowance. The units associated with a Cloud or Enterprise Agent test vary depending on the way the test is set up (see Calculating Units). Units associated with Device Agent tests vary depending on different factors (see Device Agent Consumption Model). Unit consumption information for Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests is accessible to users with the View organization usage permission, by navigating in the app to Manage > Account Settings > Usage and Billing > Usage.
How Can I Estimate the Consumption of Units by a Test?
ThousandEyes provides a calculator for customers to determine the cost of a Cloud or Enterprise Agent test based on the inputs: https://app.thousandeyes.com/calculator. Note that the usage calculator is not available on the menu, only through the URL. See Calculating Units for more information about how the unit calculator works. The calculator currently does not calculate units for Device Agent tests.
How Can I View My Balance?
Users who have the View organization usage permission can view both to-date usage and usage projected to the end of the billing period for Cloud, Enterprise, and Device Agent tests. To do so, go to Manage > Account Settings > Usage and Billing > Usage. For organizations that have multiple accounts, administrators can view a breakdown on an account-by-account basis.
What Is My Projected Usage?
Projected usage of Cloud, Enterprise and Device Agent tests is calculated by taking the current amount of units consumed during the current billing cycle and adding to it the current rate of unit consumption x the remaining days in the billing cycle. This usage projection changes if test configurations change in a way that alters the rate of unit consumption. You can find your current projected usage at Manage > Account Settings > Usage and Billing > Usage.
The ThousandEyes platform will not allow you to configure tests that take your projected consumption above your monthly capacity, unless you have overages enabled (see Overages for more on overages).
Can I Save on Unit Consumption by Turning Off "Nested" Tests?
No. Higher layer Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests (see Test Type Layers and Units) do not consume different amounts of units depending on the status (on/off) of their nested tests. In essence, nested tests are free, so they neither cost more to run, nor save more when turned off.
What Happens If My Organization Is Projected to Exceed Our Monthly Quota of Units?
The billing contact and Organization Admins for the organization will be notified by email when any of the following are true:
When projected usage of Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests for the month reaches 100%, we will not allow you to set up new scheduled tests, or re-configure existing tests in a way that increases unit consumption.
If actual usage of Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests for the month still reaches 100% (i.e. through the use of a large number of instant tests), we will disable scheduled tests to stop unit consumption.
Overage billing policies vary by customer. Normally, usage is capped to prevent overages. If you need additional flexibility to allow for overages, talk to your ThousandEyes account team. See Overages for more information about overages.
Quotas of Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests cannot be set lower than the currently consumed units for the billing period.
For tests running on Enterprise Agents, units are counted against the quota of the account group that owns the Enterprise Agent, not the account group that owns the test.
Do Instant Tests Count Towards My Monthly Unit Allowance?
Yes. Like any other test, an instant test uses units to run which will be deducted from your monthly unit allowance.
How Do I Check the Usage of My Other Products, Such as Endpoint Agents?
Only tests run on Cloud and Enterprise Agents, and some Device Agent tests, accrue units in a usage consumption model. Other products, such as Endpoint Agents and Internet Insights, are charged on a per-license basis. All Device Agents also require a license.
The Manage > Account Settings > Usage and Billing > Usage screen displays the number of currently active licenses for both Endpoint Agents and Internet Insights as well as the number you are entitled to use from your plan.
For information about Endpoint Agent licenses, see Endpoint Agent Licensing.
For Internet Insights package licenses, see Configuring Internet Insights.
For Device Agent licenses and units, see Device Agent Consumption Model.
Last updated