Setting Up Alert Rules for Internet Insights
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Use the Internet Insights alert type to identify outages by provider and/or My Affected Tests.

To set up alerts for Internet Insights:
Go to Manage > Alert Rules.
On the Internet Insights tab, click Add New Alert Rule.
In the dialog that opens, configure the alert rule on the Settings tab.
Affected Tests can be any test owned by any account group within your organization, or choose specific tests.
Affected Providers can be any provider in a package for which you have a subscription, as described in Configuring Internet Insights.
Use Alert Conditions to specify thresholds. Options are:
Affected Applications: Choose from a list to include or exclude. You must have licensed the corresponding application package in order to receive alerts on those specific applications.
Affected Domains: Enter a domain to include or exclude, for example
Affected Servers Count: Specify a threshold.
Affected Tests Count: Specify a threshold.
ASN: Enter an Autonomous System Network (ASN) number to include or exclude.
Outage Error Type: Choose error types to include or exclude (DNS, HTTP, Network, or SSL options).
Server Locations: Choose from a list of server locations to include or exclude.
Server Locations Count: Specify a minimum number of affected server locations.
Use the Notifications tab to set up notifications, as described in Alert Notifications.
Click Save Alert Rule.
You don’t have to associate Internet Insights alert rules explicitly with a test. The rule is operational as soon as it is saved.
Last updated