Endpoint Agent Proxy Configuration for Scheduled Tests

In addition to user-triggered data collection, Endpoint Agents can also execute scheduled tests. These tests can be configured to use custom proxy settings. For more information about how proxies operate and how proxy settings can be configured, head over to the proxy configuration guide for Enterprise Agents and consult the Introduction section.

Adding an Endpoint Agent Proxy Configuration

Endpoint Agent's proxy settings can be configured in the Proxy Settings tab of the Endpoint Agents > Agent Settings page, where all existing proxy configurations are listed as below:

These proxy settings apply only to Endpoint Agent scheduled tests and does not impact agents connection to ThousandEyes services.

Click the Add New Proxy Config button here to add a new proxy setting. Endpoint Agents can also be optionally configured to use Basic or NTLM Authentication Type when connecting to a proxy server. If not using authentication select None.

Below are the two types of proxy an Endpoint Agent can be configured to use:


Configuring an Endpoint Agent to use a proxy server statically. For routing traffic to the destination directly skipping proxy, add them to Bypass List.

Here is an example of a completed static proxy configuration with Basic Authentication to route packets through the proxy server at as configured in Host and Port fields.

Traffic to is set to skip proxy as per the Bypass List.

Host and Port are required fields. If not using an authentication select None in Authentication Type. Endpoint Agents and Bypass List are optional fields and can also be configured later from Endpoint Agents > Agent Settings Proxy Settings.


Configure the Endpoint Agent to fetch a Proxy auto-config file from PAC File URL and accordingly choose a proxy server.

Here is a completed configuration of Endpoint Agent PAC proxy configuration with NTLM authentication to fetch a PAC File from http://www.internet.com/proxy.pac:

Endpoint Agent will fetch the proxy PAC File from URL configured in PAC File URL field on every request.

Additional Management Options

Additional management options are available at the Proxy Settings tab of Endpoint Agents > Agent Settings page.

  1. The current configuration will be displayed on selecting a proxy configuration, changes can be made to an existing proxy configuration from here.

Applying Proxy Settings to an Endpoint Scheduled Test

Proxy settings created by the above process can also be applied to existing scheduled tests (HTTP Server only) from Endpoint Agents > Test Settings. Test-based proxy configuration receives precedence over an in-app proxy configuration of Endpoint Agent, which in turn is given precedence over the proxy configuration of Endpoint Agent host. By default, a test would use the Endpoint Agent's proxy configuration with the System Proxy setting. The below screenshot explains how:

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