Release Notes: April 2024


90-Day Password Expiration Option

Password expiration rule options have been updated to include a 90-day option. For more details on how the ThousandEyes optional password expiration policy works, see Role-Based Access Control.


Introducing the new NPCAP Version Exception Control

ThousandEyes is excited to announce a new feature that enhances the flexibility of managing the configuration of Endpoint agents. This new control, accessible in the UI through the Advanced Agent Settings tab under the Agent Settings section of the Endpoint Agent, allows customers to configure exceptions for NPCAP versions not supported by default.

Adding an exception for an unsupported NPCAP version is a simple and transparent process that does not require upgrading or rebooting your agents. The changes are seamlessly applied to all online agents within two hours, causing minimal disruption to your workflow and no downtime for your agents.

For more information, refer to the Advanced Agent Settings article.


TLS Support for Agent Proxies

ThousandEyes agents now support HTTPS proxy locations for static proxies.

Create a new proxy configuration

A new protocol option has been added when creating an agent proxy configuration:

Create a new HTTPS proxy configuration

Update an existing proxy configuration

Existing proxy configurations now have the new protocol option added, but unchecked:

Update an existing HTTPS proxy configuration

If unchecked, the default value is HTTP.

Configure a Docker agent with a new proxy configuration

New Docker agents can be created with the HTTPS configuration as well:

Create a Docker agent with an HTTPS proxy configuration

Create a new Linux agent with the script

An optional <PROXY PROTOCOL>:// configuration has been added to the -P option when executing the script. An example command is shown below:

sudo ./ \
  -b \
  -t STATIC \
  -u <PASSWORD> \

Both the Linux and Docker agent configurations set the proxy-location option in the ThousandEyes agent's configuration file (usually /etc/te-agent.cfg). This option now supports an optional protocol. The format is [protocol://]ip:port, and the value can be either http or https.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.193.1

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • Fixed an issue with auto protocol detection that stopped the periodic checking if the selected mode was still the best.


  • Fixed a bug in the Endpoint Agent installer that prevented installation of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable pre-requisite when executed via the command line.

  • The Endpoint agent can now probe multiple DNS servers per round within Local Networks.


  • The Endpoint agent can now probe multiple DNS servers per round within Local Networks.

Changes to Expired Account Activation

New users who haven't completed registration yet and use an expired activation link will now see an updated "expired link" message and will be allowed to request a new activation link. We have also increased the expiration of the new user activation link to 72 hours, and the password reset link expiration to 48 hours.


Updates to Templates

Automated Test Target Discovery

The ThousandEyes application now offers a list of test recommendations tailored to your email address domain. To learn more about creating templates from test recommendations, see Select a Template from Recommendations.

Add format Field to User Inputs

A new format field has been added to specify further validation for different input types. For example, text can be specified as format type multi-line.

2024-04-10 Templates Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a template's UserInput.allowValues is not displayed as a selector

  • Fixed validation for string user inputs with format: multi-line

New Templates

This release introduces new templates for monitoring the following SaaS applications:


Multi-Region Support for Internet Insights

Internet Insights now uses data from all regions to identify network outages. This aligns our network outage capabilities with our application outages.

Users can only view their affected tests for either network or application outages in the region in which the test was provisioned.

Event Updates

  • To align with the event detection calculation window of five minutes, events that have a duration of five minutes or less will now be shown as having a duration of < 5m.

  • In order to make it easier to determine the cause of a server event, and to save users time investigating the same issue from the affected tests perspective, we have now added the Cause field to show the major error type seen across tests that are part of the server event. This includes both the error seen in the HTTP phases (such as HTTP receive timeout) as well as specific response codes (such as HTTP 5xx responses).

Preventing Command Injection in CSV Downloads

When you download a CSV file of the data in a dashboard widget that includes user-configured values (i.e., test names, agent names, test labels, or agent labels), the CSV is now sanitized to prevent command injection.

Your CSV is now protected in the following ways:

  • We prepend each string value with a single quotation mark (')

  • We wrap the entire string in double quotes ("). Any double quotation mark used is now escaped using an additional double quotation mark.


  • A user-configured value shown in the UI as Test Name will appear in the CSV as "'Test Name".

  • A user-configured value shown in the UI as Test"s Name will appear in the CSV as "'Test""s Name".

  • A user-configured value shown in the UI as Tests=Name will appear in the CSV as "'Tests=Name".

2024-04-11 Bug Fixes

  • An issue was found where customers would see an error message when selecting any of the suggested default Fixed Time Intervals in the Agent View. As a result, no data was displayed in the graph section. This bug has been resolved, and the "Local Networks" data is now properly presented.

  • An issue was found that was preventing users without API access permissions from creating and modifying Endpoint Agent tests in the Test Settings section. The requirement has been removed and users without that permission should now be able to create and modify tests.

  • An issue was found that was incorrectly showing the Matching and Available agents in the Endpoint Agent labels. In particular, when using the All and Any filter conditions, the agents shown were inconsistent. The bug has been addressed and they are now shown correctly.

  • Endpoint Agent labels are now required to be unique. If your existing labels include duplicates, the platform will add a numeric suffix to the label. For example, a duplicate label of "All" will be renamed by the ThousandEyes platform as "All (1)".

  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to share unit calculator links.

  • Previously, the Event Details modal would sometimes show a count of affected agents (under Event Impact) that was different from the one seen under the Affected Agents column (under Affected Items). This was because of the way the calculations were done for the affected items table. The table now lists out all affected target IPs, ensuring the correct agent count will be shown.


Enhanced Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Monitoring

We have increased our network of monitors across various geographic locations, significantly enhancing your capacity to identify issues and optimize routing worldwide. Our new ThousandEyes monitors capture full routing tables from our BGP peers, provide novel vantage points, and are not dependent on public data sources. These state-of-the-art monitors provide a more detailed and comprehensive view of your BGP posture.

To help you quickly identify the different monitor types at a glance, we have also updated our icon set. You will find distinct icons representing the three types of monitors within our BGP path visualization:

  • New ThousandEyes monitors

  • Public monitors from the RouteViews project and RIPE RIS

  • Private (customer-owned) monitors

For more information, see Using the BGP Route Visualization View.


WAN Insights Updates

  • The quality metrics widget shown in the Recommendation Details Modal of WAN Insights has been revised for better consistency of information.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Auckland, New Zealand (One NZ)

  • Doha, Qatar (Ooerdoo)

  • Doha, Qatar (Ooerdoo) (IPv6)

  • Madrid, Spain (Vodafone)

  • Madrid, Spain (Vodafone) (IPv6)

  • Mexico City, Mexico (TelMex)

  • Mexico City, Mexico (TelMex) (IPv6)

  • Salvador, Brazil (Claro)

  • Salvador, Brazil (Claro) (IPv6)

  • Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

  • Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (IPv6)

  • São Paulo, Brazil (Telefônica Brasil)

  • São Paulo, Brazil (Telefônica Brasil) (IPv6)

2024-04-25 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a minor issue with the widget filter selection menu for Devices.


Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.195.0

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • Fixed an issue where data from local network tests could not be collected in some rare conditions.

  • The Endpoint agent no longer sends some redundant metrics to the backend for some tests. This makes the agent more efficient and consumes less bandwidth to send it to the backend.

  • Additional information is included in the error messages when a test fails due to local resource exhaustion.

  • The following software components have now been updated:

    • sqlite version to version 1.45.2

    • zlib to version 1.3.1

    • curk to version 8.7.1


  • Fixed an issue where installation could fail if there were accounts that couldn't be used for interactive logins.

  • Fixed an issue where IP addresses bypassed by Zscaler would be incorrectly identified in some cases.


  • Fixed an issue where in some cases the default gateway of an interface would not be retrieved.

Last updated