AppDynamics for Alert Notifications
The ThousandEyes platform integrates with the popular application performance monitoring system AppDynamics. When an alert is raised in ThousandEyes, an alert notification can be sent to an AppDynamics instance for a specific application. You can set up multiple integrations to the same instance, targeting different applications or severity levels.
The AppDynamics alert notification integration is currently only supported for Cloud and Enterprise Agent and BGP alert types.
Configuring Your AppDynamics Alert Notification Integration
To integrate ThousandEyes alerts with your AppDynamics instance:
In the ThousandEyes app, go to Manage > Integrations.
Click + New Integration.
In the Add New Integration window, click AppDynamics.
A window will open with the following fields:
Enter the name of your integration. This is a name for use within the ThousandEyes platform. Use a human-readable string that distinguishes this integration from any other integrations you may have configured.
AppDynamics Instance
Enter your specific AppDynamics instance in the form of protocol://hostname:[port]
. For example,
. The ThousandEyes platform appends /controller/rest/applications/%s/events
to the URL. If these values are included in what you enter here, the platform strips them.
Application Name
Enter the specific AppDynamics application name. You can create multiple integrations that target different applications in the same instance.
Auth Type
The AppDynamics integration supports Basic or OAuth. For more information on setting up OAuth, see Webhook Authentication.
AppDynamics Username
Use for Basic Authentication. Enter your AppDynamics username. Note: This username must be formatted as your AppDynamics username@account without .com added. Additionally, the AppDynamics user must have the "Create Events" permission enabled under "Application Permissions" and "Roles" inside of AppDynamics.
AppDynamics Password
Use for Basic Authentication. Enter your AppDynamics password.
Choose your desired AppDynamics severity for this alert: Info, Warning, or Error.
This is an optional field that matches a tier inside AppDynamics. If you use the Tier field, the value you enter here must match the tier listed in AppDynamics for the specified application.
This is an optional field that matches a node inside AppDynamics. If you use the Node field, the value you enter here must match the node listed in AppDynamics for the specified application.
Business Transaction
This is an optional field that matches a business transaction inside AppDynamics. If you use the Business Transaction field, the value you enter here must match the business transaction listed in AppDynamics for the specified application.
Learn more about the AppDynamics integration
This link takes you to the documentation for the AppDynamics integration.
Cancel / Test / Add New Integration
Either cancel your integration; test your integration by sending a sample alert to your instance; or, once all fields are finalized, add the new integration you have just configured.
Next Steps within AppDynamics
Now when an alert is triggered or cleared, the alert details will be posted as a custom event within the specific AppDynamics instance and application, as shown below.
All alert clear events will be displayed with a severity of level Info. It is important that you remove any filters on the AppDynamics side, as custom events are often auto-filtered out of the Events tab:
To see more details, click the alert. ThousandEyes also passes the following alert properties in the custom event:
alertState (Clear or Triggered)
alertType (Options are: BrowserBot, Http, Network, OneWayNetwork, Voice, DnspDomain, DnspNameServer, DnsServer, DnsTrace, Dnssec, Transaction, WebTransaction, Bgp, PathTrace, Ftp, Sip)
This allows you to correlate trigger events with clear events, and to create policies in AppDynamics based on these specific properties:
The custom event's Comments tab provides specific details on the alert. Click the View in ThousandEyes link to open the ThousandEyes app at the Views screen for the alert start time.
Last updated