Release Notes: June 2024


Create Templates in UI

You can now create, edit and delete templates directly in the UI. You can modify the JSON contents of templates using a template editor in the UI, which includes syntax highlighting and intellisense to make editing and creating templates easier and less error prone than using the API. If you don't want to create a template from scratch, you can duplicate existing ThousandEyes templates and edit them. The template editor also supports editing and deleting templates. Note that editing or deleting built-in ThousandEyes templates is not supported.

For more information, see User-defined Templates: Creating a User-defined Template from Scratch.


Introducing Enhanced Onboarding

Enhanced Onboarding allows new ThousandEyes customers to onboard quickly and easily with personalized monitoring coverage recommendations based on email domains and best practice guides. In addition, you can select, configure, and deploy a wide range of certified templates. The process concludes with setting up notifications and integrations. Enhanced Onboarding guides new customers through every step, providing a seamless and tailored onboarding experience. To learn more about Templates, see Templates


Introducing Near Real-time BGP Monitoring and Alerting

ThousandEyes will release near real-time BGP monitoring and alerting. BGP tests will have the ability to be run at a 1-minute interval (as compared to the current 15-minute interval). This means that Views for BGP tests will also show BGP test results in 1-minute windows. For alerting, the current 15-minute, round-based alerting will shift to the new time-based format capable of alerting at 1-minute intervals. We'll start rolling this out in batches in early July.

Labels to Tags Migration

To enhance the tagging system at ThousandEyes, we will migrate all existing labels to tags in the backend. Unlike single-valued labels siloed by product area, tags are dynamic with key-value pairs that can be associated with multiple assets across products under a shared tag.

Starting June 24, 2024, when you query for tags using the v7 API (e.g., /v7/tags), all labels will be listed in a tags format key:value. For example, an existing label with the value webex will be displayed as webex:webex, with the value duplicated as the key.

Labels that were migrated to tags will include a field in the API response called legacyID, indicating that this tag was originally a label and was then migrated. legacyId corresponds to the numeric ID assigned to the original label. Tags that were created natively will have an empty value in the legacyID field in the API response. Tags are currently supported for CEA Tests, CEA Agents, Endpoint Scheduled Tests, and Dashboards. Tags are not applicable to Endpoint Agents.

Please note that this change is only visible via the API. The UI will continue to display labels as they are, and tags created using the API will not yet be visible in the UI. This will be updated when we introduce tags in the UI in a future release.


New Bell Notifications and Improvements

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve user experience, we have added several new features to the "bell" notifications. These include:

  • Individual notifications can now be dismissed via the x button beside them in the notifications list.

  • All notifications can now be dismissed by clicking the new Dismiss All button.

  • Some notifications are now contextual to the relevant account group, and will only appear in the notifications list when logged in to that account.

Three new notification types have also been added:

  • Integrations available (only shows up if you don't have any integrations configured).

  • Recommended Tests available (if you have an integration configured).

  • You have tests in a draft state.

These notifications will only be visible to users with the required permissions for setting up/configuring integrations and tests. In addition, they will only appear once every two of months, and will disappear after 7 days (unless dismissed before then). For tests in a draft state, notifications appear every 7 days as long as there are tests matching this state.

For more information about the bell notification, see Glossary: Bell Notification.


Introducing Unified Test Creation Workflow

To streamline the test creation experience, we will gradually introduce the new Unified Test Creation workflow starting June 20th. From the test settings, you can click on the Start Monitoring button to begin your monitoring journey. This allows you to create a single test or deploy from the built-in or user-defined templates.

We are also introducing suggestion cards to surface any available recommendations and integrations. These cards offer actions you can take to enhance your existing monitoring. Click the Set up Recommneded Tests card to find any discovered test recommendations and start deployment.

To switch back to the original test creation UI, click the “Switch to Classic test creation” button. For more information, see Templates: Select a Template via Start Monitoring.


New Makeover for ThousandEyes

On June 27th 2024, we will update the look and feel of our entire platform to better align with Cisco standards. This change includes redesigning our headers and left-hand navigation as well as updating our icons, fonts, and typography, all while avoiding any change in functionality. The changes will provide our customers with a consistent experience when switching between Cisco Cloud products and an improved modern user interface.

API V6 End of Life Notification

This is a reminder about the end-of-life of API v6. API v6 will no longer be supported as of May 27th, 2025.

Our v7 API introduces new capabilities for developers and DevOps-focused customers, ranging from standardization to performance and improved documentation. It aims to deliver a single cohesive API surface for all ThousandEyes product areas. The goal of our v7 API is to simplify and improve use cases while increasing interoperability with tools common to operations workflows.

According to our API support policy, prior versions of our API are supported for one year, following an initial 90-day notification period.

Improved Network Path Topology in Internet Insights

In Internet Insights' network topology screen, we have improved the differentiation between a node experiencing an outage and a node affected by the outage. This enhancement is intended to make it easier to understand where the source of an outage is coming from and where that outage is having impact on other network nodes. To learn more about this enhancement, see Network Outages Topology Tab.

Improved UI for Endpoint Alert Rule Configuration

Users will see a new UI for the Alert Rules > Endpoint Agents page. This UI will make alert rule configuration more intuitive, with better performance and load times.

Update to Views 2.0 Page Load Metrics

In Views 2.0, the page load tests summary now presents the following metrics, consistent with Views 1.0:

  • DOM Load Time

  • Page Load Time

Loss and Latency Shown by Default in Views 2.0 for Network Outages and Network Events

Earlier, when investigating network-based events, the redirection of the affected tests only selected loss as the metric of focus. However, network events can also be due to sudden spikes in latency. Therefore, now both loss and latency are selected by default when you view the affected tests from an event.

Updates to WebGL

Page load and transaction tests now support loading web pages that use WebGL. For web pages that trigger a browser-native notification, transaction tests now bypass these notifications.

Improvements to Dashboard Filters

  • Improve the Enabled/Included Dashboard Views We have enhanced the selection helper sidebar for the Tests dashboard filter. We have improved how to view only the tests that were selected in widgets and how to view only enabled tests.

  • Add Remaining Filter Values to Dashboard Filters Dashboard filters have expanded and are available for any variable that is applicable to a widget on an existing dashboard. If the combination of dashboard filters applied for a given data source is not intersectional, the widget notifies the user to adjust the filters.

Widget Filters When a Widget Is "Locked"

The behavior of locked widget filters has been streamlined. When filters are locked for a given widget, only the widget filters are used, and the widget ignores any dashboard-level filters.

Context Tooltips for Events

In order to better understand each event type, we have now added tooltips explaining each event type in the event detail.

Increase Available Stream Integrations per Account Group

The maximum amount of Stream Integrations per account group has been increased from 1 to 5, allowing you to create more streams to suit your needs.

Endpoint Agent: Generic Installers to Replace Custom Installers

As announced previously, the customized links for the Endpoint Agent installers will no longer be available. Instead, generic installers will be used. The ThousandEyes UI section for creating customized installers is marked as Deprecated and will no longer be available after June 20, 2024. You can continue to use the old installers indefinitely. However, we recommend that you shift to the new generic installers.

Document Network Path Topology Enhancement for Internet Insights

Internet Insights has improved the differentiation in the network topology screen between a node experiencing an outage and a node ‘affected by’ the outage. This enhancement is intended to make it easier to understand where the source of an outage is coming from and where that outage is having impact on other network nodes. To learn more about this enhancement, see Network Outages Topology Tab.

ServiceNow Incident Management Integration Support for Newest Versions

We have updated the ServiceNow Incident Management integration with ThousandEyes to support the latest versions, including the Utah, Vancouver, and Washington DC builds. Our documentation has also been updated to reflect the steps required for these latest versions.

Ubuntu 22.04 Support

ThousandEyes now supports installing Enterprise Agents on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (code name "Jammy Jellyfish", or just "Jammy"). For support dates, see the Enterprise Agent Support Lifecycle.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved timestamp inconsistencies for PDF exports of dashboards.

  • Fixed an issue where the dashboard selector list was not surfaced in the expected order of most recent to oldest.

  • Fixed a bug that was showing inconsistent availability metrics for the scheduled tests in the Agent View. In particular, the availability was showing the opposite value (i.e., 0% when it was 100%).

  • The list of agents assigned to an Endpoint Agent test was not correctly sorted when more than 10 agents were assigned. The Edit Test side panel from the Endpoint Test Settings section now correctly sorts the agents assigned to a test.

  • Fixed a cosmetic bug that was incorrectly showing the agents running a test. When clicking a specific test in the Test Settings tab from the Endpoint Agents section, the user is able to see the amount of agents assigned to that test and the agents that are actually running that test. The Agents running the tests value was incorrectly computed and has been corrected.

  • Fixed a bug that was not showing the labels assigned to each agent in the Endpoint Agent Settings section with some screen size/resolution ratios. The user should now always be able to see the labels independently of the conditions of the screen.

  • Fixed a bug that was reporting "No items available!" when using special characters in the search of SSID and BSSID filters in the Endpoint Agent. User should now be able to search for those SSID and BSSID that include special characters.

  • To keep consistency with the rest of ThousandEyes UI, when clicking on a link that redirects the user to another area within ThousandEyes (e.g., "Open in Views" or "Open in Agent Views" when selecting a specific agent), the new area will be opened on the same browser tab instead of opening a new one.

New Cloud Agents

  • Beijing, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Beijing, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Beijing, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Changsha, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Chengdu, China (IPv6)

  • Chengdu, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Chongqing, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Dalian, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Foshan, China (IPv6)

  • Guangzhou, China (IPv6)

  • Guangzhou, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Guangzhou, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Jinan, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Nanjing, China (IPv6)

  • Ningbo, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Shanghai, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Shanghai, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Shanghai, China China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Shenyang, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Shenzhen, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Shenzhen, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Shijiazhuang, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Tianjin, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Wenzhou, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Wuhan, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Wuxi, China (IPv6)

  • Xi'an, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Zhengzhou, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Frankfurt, Germany (Vodafone)

  • Frankfurt, Germany (Vodafone) (IPv6)

  • Porto Alegre, Brazil

  • Lima, Peru

  • Santiago, Chile


ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry API Now Supports Data Streaming to Splunk

We've added support for streaming data from ThousandEyes to Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise using the ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry API. For more information, see Configuring ThousandEyes for Splunk Cloud or Enterprise Using the API.


New Makeover for ThousandEyes

As announced previously, we have updated the ThousandEyes look and feel across our platform to better align with Cisco standards. This change includes redesigning our headers, left-hand navigation, icons, font, and typography, without affecting functionality. These changes will provide our customers with a consistent experience when they switch among Cisco Cloud products, and an improved modern user interface. Learn more about the UI changes from this video tutorial.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.200.0

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • In certain cases, an issue prevented the Endpoint Agent from collecting local network and device metrics, such as Gateway, DNS, System CPU, and System Memory. The Endpoint Agent now identifies these cases and attempts to work around the issue.

  • The memory required for the Endpoint Agent installed on the Linux platform to run the network test has been reduced.

  • Additional information is included while reporting the cause of network probe failures to provide more clarity.

  • Previously, the agent used to crash when reading certain values from the database. This issue has been fixed.

  • Previously, the agent could see a false negative of 100% loss when running HTTP tests, the root cause was that an incorrect port was being discovered. This has now been corrected.

  • The diagnostics tool now supports extended UDP STUN testing to targets, aiding in diagnosing issues with the agent.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Real User Tests not to report all pages when a large number of monitored domains were visited simultaneously from a browser with the Endpoint extension installed.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the uninstallation of the agent after deployment using an MSI transformation file to apply the account information.


  • The macOS UI installation process has been enhanced to allow users to add the connection string and other account information post successful agent installation.

  • Previously, the agent was capturing and redirecting the stdout and stderr to files, which could under certain conditions grow unbounded. The agent no longer redirects stdout and stderr.

Last updated