ThousandEyes Recorder Permissions

The ThousandEyes Recorder runs locally on your laptop or desktop computer. You can use it to generate scripts, and optionally also configure and upload this script as a new transaction test to the ThousandEyes platform. Users who don't have permission to create new tests can still use the Recorder to generate transaction scripts.

The Recorder has two modes, based on your permission settings: Standalone Mode, and Test Creation Mode.

Standalone Mode

Allows the user to use the IDE for standalone test creation. Minimum required permissions are API Access and either Login via ThousandEyes login page, or Login via Single Sign-On.

The user will not have access to any test script credentials stored in ThousandEyes. Credentials are the usernames and passwords that might be used within a transaction test, for example a test user account for testing the Amazon shopping site. These aren't stored or displayed in the transaction script itself.

Test Creation Mode

Test Creation Mode includes full permissions to upload generated scripts into the Thousandeyes platform, allowing the user to create tests and export (upload) the tests to Minimum required permissions to export a test are API Access, Edit tests, Create web transaction tests, View agents in account group, View labels, and either Login via ThousandEyes login page or Login via Single Sign-On.

Additionally, the following optional permissions allow for extra security regarding credentials access:

  • View Tests: allows a user to use credentials (masked) assigned to your ThousandEyes account via the Recorder IDE

  • View sensitive data in web transaction scripts: allows a user to use and see credentials assigned to your ThousandEyes account via the Recorder IDE

Last updated