Alert Notifications via Email
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Receiving alert notifications by email is one of the easiest and most common ways of getting notified about your alerts. This article explains how to set up your email notifications.
Note: Users must have the View all users permission in order to view the email recipients of an alert rule.
Go to Manage > Alert Rules.
Select the alert source, for example Cloud and Enterprise Agents or BGP Routing.
Select the alert rule you wish to be notified about.
Select the Notifications tab.
Click into the Email > Send emails to field.
A dropdown appears, listing all the eligible registered email addresses for this account group. Eligible email addresses are those that belong to users who have their account group access set to All, or whose account group access is set to the group you are currently working in. You can find this information on the Users tab within Account Settings > Users and Roles. Users whose access is not set to All, and whose access is limited to account groups other than the one you are currently working in will not have their email addresses listed.
The email addresses of Organization Admins and Account Admins who were added to the organization when it was created will automatically have their email addresses added to the email notification list. Those Organization Admins and Account Admins who were added to the organization after its creation will not automatically have their email addresses added to the email notification list. They must be added manually.
Scroll or search for the email addresses you wish to receive alert notification. There is no limit to the number of email addresses you can include.
[Optional] If you would like to add an email address that is not currently part of the eligible list, click Edit external emails.
a. In the resulting dialog, click Add New Email.
b. Type in the email address you would like to add, then click Add New Email. The email address you just added shows up at the bottom of the dialog. Repeat this step as many times as you have addresses to add.
c. Exit out of the Edit External Emails dialog.
d. In the Email > Send emails to field, search for the email addresses you just added and select them.
Note: You can deselect email addresses you no longer want to receive alert notifications for through the Send emails to field.
[Optional] You can delete external email addresses through the Edit external emails prompt.
Click the Edit external emails link and in the resulting dialog, click the trash bin icon next to any external emails you wish to delete.
Deleting external email addresses removes them from all alerts and notifications with which they are associated, not just this particular alert. This action cannot be undone without manually adding the addresses back in to each individual alert. We recommend deselecting email addresses instead of deleting them if you are unsure whether the email addresses can be removed from other alerts.
[Optional] If you would like to receive emails when the alert also clears, as opposed to triggers, select the checkbox labelled “Send an email when the alert clears”.
[Optional] Add a custom message to the body of the triggering email. This message will be sent to every email recipient when the alert triggers. Note that the greater-than (>) and less-than (<) characters are not allowed in this field, to prevent code injection.
Click Save Changes.
Note: Alerts are active as long as your alert rule criteria are met, but any configured email notifications will only occur at the beginning of the alert, and at the end if you selected to receive alert clear emails. In addition, when multiple alerts are raised simultaneously, their data will be grouped into a single email notification.