Default Alert Rules

Definition of Default

The ThousandEyes platform comes with a set of default alert rules that are automatically added to your tests depending on the test type. The default rule names all start with the word Default, for example Default HTTP Alert Rule 2.0, and are automatically enabled to be assigned to relevant tests via the blue checkbox in the Default column on the Manage > Alert Rules screen.

Showing Default column on Alert Rules screen

While our default alert rules all have "Default" in their name, it is important to note that only those rules that have the blue checkbox selected in the Default column are automatically assigned to tests. If you deselect a default alert rule on the Alert Rules screen, it will no longer be assigned to any tests you create, though any tests you created while the box was selected will continue to use the alert rule unless you manually remove it from the test (see Assignment to Tests for more information). Likewise, you may select the Default checkbox for any custom alert rules you create; this will enable them to be assigned by default to any new tests.

For example, if you create a HTTP server test and make no amendments to your alert rules, the Default HTTP Server Alert Rule 2.0 and the Default Network Alert Rule 2.0 are automatically enabled for the test. If you deselect the Default HTTP Server Alert Rule 2.0 and create your own custom HTTP server alert rule called "My HTTP Server Alert" which you then select as Default (as in the image above), any new HTTP server tests you create will have My HTTP Server Alert and the Default Network Alert Rule 2.0 enabled for those tests.

While our default alert rules are designed to give you access to out-of-the-box alerts without any effort on your part, we recommended that you create custom alert rules to best match your requirements and to reduce alert noise versus using the default ones. See Creating and Editing Alert Rules for information about how to create your own alert rules, or Getting Started with Alerts for a quick starter guide.

Default Alert Rule List

Default alert rules are defined according to the following list. Within the account group, default alert rules can be applied to tests and changed by any user having a role with the View alert rules and Edit alert rules permissions, such as the built-in Account Admin or Organization Admin roles. Most default alert rules apply to Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests, though you will also find default alert rules for Endpoint Agent tests and BGP tests, each found on their corresponding tab within Alert Rules, and indicated in the table below by a menu path.

Default alert rules have the following common characteristics:

  • All agents and monitors are set to “sticky” - that is, the same agent or monitor must trigger over multiple rounds to activate the rule. See Setting Global Alert Conditions for more information about sticky triggers.

  • Severity is set to Minor.

Conditions met by

Default Agent to Agent Network Alert Rule 2.0

Agent to Agent

Packet loss ≥ 10%

The same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row

Default Call Setup Alert Rule 2.0

SIP Server

Error Type is Any

The same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row

Default DNS Server Alert Rule 2.0

DNS Server

Error is present

The same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row

Default DNS Trace Alert Rule 2.0

DNS Trace

Error is present

The same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row

Default DNSSEC Alert Rule 2.0


Error is present

The same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row

Default FTP Alert Rule 2.0

FTP Server

Error type is Any

The same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row

Default HTTP Alert Rule 2.0

HTTP Server

Error type is Any

The same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row

Default Network Alert Rule 2.0

Agent to Server

Packet Loss ≥ 10%

The same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row

Default Page Load Alert Rule 2.0

Page Load

Page load has error OR Page load timed out OR Page load is incomplete

The same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row

Default SSL Certificate Expiry Rule 2.0

HTTP Server

Certificate expires within 30 days

The same 1 agent 1 of 1 time in a row

Default Voice Alert Rule 2.0

RTP Stream

MOS ≤ 3

The same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row

Default Web Transaction Alert Rule 2.0


Error is present

The same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row

Default Web Transaction (Classic) Alert Rule 2.0


Error is present

The same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row

Default Endpoint HTTP Alert Rule (Alerts > Alert Rules > Endpoint Agents > Scheduled Tests)

Endpoint HTTP Server

Error Type is any

The same 3 agents and null % of agents 1 of 1 time in a row

Default Endpoint Network Alert Rule (Alerts > Alert Rules > Endpoint Agents > Scheduled Tests)

Endpoint End-to-End (Server)

Packet Loss ≥ 25%

The same 3 agents and 30% of agents 1 of 1 time in a row

Default BGP Alert Rule (Alerts > Alert Rules > BGP Routing)


Reachability < 100%

Any of 10% of monitors for at least 1 minute

Some existing organisations may see default alert rules for Internet Insights network or application outages, which is a legacy feature. The criterium for these alert rules is: affected tests count ≥ 1; the conditions must be met by: any test and any provider.

To view a current list of default alert rules, navigate to Manage > Alert Rules. Default alert rule names start with "Default". Enter "Default" into the search box to show a list of default alert rules.

Last updated