Release Notes: July 2023
Additional ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Test Support
Support has been added for the following metrics:
DNS DNSSEC Trace layer (Validity metric).
DNS Domain Trace layer (Availability and Final Query Time metrics).
DNS Server layer (Availability and Resolution time metrics).
Transferring Endpoint Agents Across Organizations
You can now transfer the ownership of Endpoint Agents across organizations using the Connection String parameter. You can learn more about this transfer here.
Update to libcurl Version for Enterprise Agents
We are updating the version of libcurl that we build and ship for the Enterprise Agent in our package repositories. As part of this work we will trigger updates for libcurl on existing agents beginning on July 10th, 2023, with a gradual rollout that is expected to complete by July 18th, 2023. We've done extensive internal testing prior to rollout and don't anticipate any issues, but please contact ThousandEyes Support if you notice any behavioral changes in your HTTP tests during the rollout window.
2023-07-07 Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that was preventing users from setting a new dashboard as their default.
Fixed an issue with multiple user sessions showing the same userSessionId in /v6/endpoint-data/user-sessions response
The dynamic option for the following alert rules' metrics is now correctly displayed and operational:
Default Network Alert Rule - Agent-to-Server: Latency metric
Default HTTP Server Alert Rule - HTTP Server: Response time metric
Cloud Agents Added
New Cloud Agents, AWS Cloud Agents, and Google Cloud Platform Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.
New Cloud Agents
Bangkok, Thailand (True)
Bangkok, Thailand (True) (IPv6)
Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge, LA (IPv6)
Cairo, Egypt (TE Data)
Calgary, Canada (Bell)
Calgary, Canada (Bell) (IPv6)
Fredericton, Canada
Fredericton, Canada (IPv6)
Hanoi, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam (IPv6)
São Paulo, Brazil (Embratel)
São Paulo, Brazil (Embratel) (IPv6)
Taipei, Taiwan (Chung-Hwa Telecom)
Taipei, Taiwan (Chung-Hwa Telecom) (IPv6)
Updated Default Alert Rules for Cloud and Enterprise Agent Tests
We've revamped our default alert rules to reduce alert noise. The new default alert rules will be labelled and displayed in the ThousandEyes platform UI as Default alert rules 2.0.
Additionally, we've designated the severity level for all these alerts as Minor. These updated alert rules will be applied to any new customer organizations that are created. Existing tests will remain unaffected, continuing to operate under the previous set of default alert rules. When you create new tests, you'll see the new default alert rules.
In approximately two weeks, ThousandEyes will roll out this change to existing customer organizations. Any new tests that you create will automatically be associated with Default Alert Rules 2.0. Existing tests, which already have the old set of default alert rules, will remain unchanged.
The table below shows the details of the updated default alert rules:
Default Agent-to-Agent Network Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row.
Packet loss >= 10%
Default Network Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row.
Packet loss >= 10%
Default Call Setup Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error type is any
Default DNS Server Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error is present
Default DNS Trace Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error is present
Default DNSSEC Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error is present
Default FTP Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error type is any
Default HTTP Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 2 agents 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error type is any
Default Page Load Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row.
Page load has error
Page load has timed out
Page load is incomplete
Default Voice Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row.
MOS <= 3
Default Web Transaction Alert Rule 2.0
All conditions are met by the same 1 agent 2 of 3 times in a row.
Error is present
Additional ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Test Support
Support has been added for the following test metrics:
FTP server tests
Response Time
Page load tests
Page Load Time
Minor Enhancements
The Edit streaming integrations permission has been added to the Account Admin role. This allows users with that role, in addition to users with the Organization Admin role, to edit ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry streams.
Added OTLP exporter support for HTTP-based endpoints. This allows users of HTTP-only OTel collectors and applications to use them natively with ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry.
Changed the title of our filter capability inside of dashboard widgets from "Drill Down" to "Filter By."
2023-07-19 Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue that was incorrectly informing users that another user had made an update to their existing dashboard and a web browser refresh was required.
Resolved an issue that was accidentally cropping some values from dashboards when converted into a PDF.
Resolved an issue that was preventing users from sharing dashboards to specific account groups.
Public Beta: ThousandEyes on Meraki MX
Starting July 20th, 2023, ThousandEyes agents can be deployed on supported Meraki MX appliances as part of the Public Beta. Meraki users can now benefit from enhanced visibility at scale and alerting capabilities by creating a customized network and application testing for critical applications inside or outside their infrastructure.
For more information, see ThousandEyes - Meraki Integration and Meraki MX ThousandEyes Configuration Guide.
Updating Alert ID to a 128-Bit Alphanumeric UUID
As previously announced, alert IDs have now been switched from numeric format to UUID format in the ThousandEyes UI.
Similarly, in order to support the UUID format in v6 and v7 API endpoints, we are changing the data type of the alertID
from integer to string. These changes will occur in stages between 31 July and 3 August, 2023. For details, see the v6 API reference and the v7 API reference.
Introducing Auto-Clear for Stagnant Alerts
We are improving the management of alerts on the platform through an auto-clear feature for stagnant alerts. At present, when the ThousandEyes platform stops receiving data from an agent associated with an active alert, the alert persists in the active state until new data arrives from the agent and the platform is able to determine the correct alert state. This situation arises primarily when active agents are offline and unable to send data to the ThousandEyes platform, causing alerts to stay active until the agents resume communication with the platform. To address this challenge, the auto-clear feature prevents alerts from remaining in a perpetually active state by automatically clearing them after 12 hours of receiving no data from active agents. The auto-clear feature will update the Current Metric field on the Alerts History page to "N/A (No Longer Valid)", and will send you a notification of the cleared alert if you have opted into alert clearing notifications.
Custom Webhooks Now Support Agent Notifications and Device Alerts
Customers can now include agent notification-specific and device-specific variables in their custom webhook payloads. Most alerting variables are supported for these new categories - which are Agent Notifications, Device Tests and Device Notifications - as well as additional variables specific to each new category. For more information, see the hinting mechanism in the ThousandEyes Integrations UI. These new categories are also listed within the Manage Alert Rules panel when you create a new integration or edit an existing one.
Last updated