Using the Internet Insights Built-In Dashboard
ThousandEyes offers a number of preconfigured dashboards. To see the built-in dashboard for Internet Insights, go to Dashboards and choose Internet Insights Built-In from the top drop-down, as shown below.
The Internet Insights Built-In dashboard is preconfigured with the following widgets:
7-day outage trends for network outages and application outages
Largest outages in the past 30 days
Which of your tests are affected, broken down as follows:
The widgets titled My Affected Tests show a test-centric view, with the name of your affected test on the left and the number of outages affecting that test on the right, with separate widgets for application and network outages.
The widgets titled Affecting My Tests show a provider name or application on the left and the number of affected tests on the right, with separate widgets for application and network outages.
Locations with outages
You can review the built-in dashboard to see how the widgets are configured and use it as a template when customizing your own dashboards.
Creating a Custom Dashboard for Internet Insights
You can’t make changes to the built-in dashboards, but you can make a copy and adjust it to your needs. Use the ellipsis button in the upper right and choose Duplicate Dashboard.
You can add and edit widgets as described in Customizing Your Dashboard. The widget types that allow Internet Insights as a data source include Data Summary widgets, Time Series widgets, and the Map widget. The Map widget configuration options are shown below.
Last updated