

Dashboard Templates for Endpoint Agent

You can now deploy dashboards using designated templates to monitor the end-user experience, diagnose overall network and application health, and streamline troubleshooting. You can learn more about deploying them in Dashboard Templates.

This release introduces the following Endpoint Agent dashboard templates:

  • Home Worker Dashboard

  • End User Helpdesk Dashboard

  • End User Wireless Health Dashboard

  • End User Localized Issues Dashboard

  • End User Health Overview Dashboard

  • End User Office vs Remote Dashboard

  • End User Detailed Wireless Health Dashboard


Number of Endpoint Agent Label Elements Updated

To enhance system performance and streamline management, we have set a limit of 1,000 elements (an element is defined as each option you can add to a filter used to describe the label) for each Endpoint Agent label. This limit can comfortably accommodate the typical use of the Endpoint Agent labels. It will be enforced for all new and modified labels in the future, while pre-existing labels that surpass this threshold will remain unaffected. You can continue to employ and adjust these labels, albeit without the ability to expand the number of elements beyond the current value.


Near Real-Time BGP Monitoring and Alerting

Our BGP tests and alerting is being upgraded to near real-time, shifting from 15-minute intervals to 1-minute intervals after July 9, 2024, enabling quicker detection and response to BGP issues. Existing alert rules will automatically convert to the new format, with customized configurations now available based on time rather than round-based alerting. Users are advised to review and adjust their alert settings post-transition for optimal monitoring, with the v6 and v7 API endpoints being updated to include a new time field. Correction: Customers will be updated in batches through the end of the month.


New Makeover for ThousandEyes

As announced previously, we have updated the ThousandEyes look and feel across our platform to better align with Cisco standards. This change includes redesigning our headers, left-hand navigation, icons, font, and typography, without affecting functionality. These changes will provide our customers with a consistent experience when they switch among Cisco Cloud products, and an improved modern user interface. Learn more about the UI changes from this video tutorial.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.200.0

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • In certain cases, an issue prevented the Endpoint Agent from collecting local network and device metrics, such as Gateway, DNS, System CPU, and System Memory. The Endpoint Agent now identifies these cases and attempts to work around the issue.

  • The memory required for the Endpoint Agent installed on the Linux platform to run the network test has been reduced.

  • Additional information is included while reporting the cause of network probe failures to provide more clarity.

  • Previously, the agent used to crash when reading certain values from the database. This issue has been fixed.

  • Previously, the agent could see a false negative of 100% loss when running HTTP tests, the root cause was that an incorrect port was being discovered. This has now been corrected.

  • The diagnostics tool now supports extended UDP STUN testing to targets, aiding in diagnosing issues with the agent.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Real User Tests not to report all pages when a large number of monitored domains were visited simultaneously from a browser with the Endpoint extension installed.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the uninstallation of the agent after deployment using an MSI transformation file to apply the account information.


  • The macOS UI installation process has been enhanced to allow users to add the connection string and other account information post successful agent installation.

  • Previously, the agent was capturing and redirecting the stdout and stderr to files, which could under certain conditions grow unbounded. The agent no longer redirects stdout and stderr.


ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry API Now Supports Data Streaming to Splunk

We've added support for streaming data from ThousandEyes to Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise using the ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry API. For more information, see Configuring ThousandEyes for Splunk Cloud or Enterprise Using the API.


New Makeover for ThousandEyes

On June 27th 2024, we will update the look and feel of our entire platform to better align with Cisco standards. This change includes redesigning our headers and left-hand navigation as well as updating our icons, fonts, and typography, all while avoiding any change in functionality. The changes will provide our customers with a consistent experience when switching between Cisco Cloud products and an improved modern user interface.

API V6 End of Life Notification

This is a reminder about the end-of-life of API v6. API v6 will no longer be supported as of May 27th, 2025.

Our v7 API introduces new capabilities for developers and DevOps-focused customers, ranging from standardization to performance and improved documentation. It aims to deliver a single cohesive API surface for all ThousandEyes product areas. The goal of our v7 API is to simplify and improve use cases while increasing interoperability with tools common to operations workflows.

According to our API support policy, prior versions of our API are supported for one year, following an initial 90-day notification period.

Improved Network Path Topology in Internet Insights

In Internet Insights' network topology screen, we have improved the differentiation between a node experiencing an outage and a node affected by the outage. This enhancement is intended to make it easier to understand where the source of an outage is coming from and where that outage is having impact on other network nodes. To learn more about this enhancement, see Network Outages Topology Tab.

Improved UI for Endpoint Alert Rule Configuration

Users will see a new UI for the Alert Rules > Endpoint Agents page. This UI will make alert rule configuration more intuitive, with better performance and load times.

Update to Views 2.0 Page Load Metrics

In Views 2.0, the page load tests summary now presents the following metrics, consistent with Views 1.0:

  • DOM Load Time

  • Page Load Time

Loss and Latency Shown by Default in Views 2.0 for Network Outages and Network Events

Earlier, when investigating network-based events, the redirection of the affected tests only selected loss as the metric of focus. However, network events can also be due to sudden spikes in latency. Therefore, now both loss and latency are selected by default when you view the affected tests from an event.

Updates to WebGL

Page load and transaction tests now support loading web pages that use WebGL. For web pages that trigger a browser-native notification, transaction tests now bypass these notifications.

Improvements to Dashboard Filters

  • Improve the Enabled/Included Dashboard Views We have enhanced the selection helper sidebar for the Tests dashboard filter. We have improved how to view only the tests that were selected in widgets and how to view only enabled tests.

  • Add Remaining Filter Values to Dashboard Filters Dashboard filters have expanded and are available for any variable that is applicable to a widget on an existing dashboard. If the combination of dashboard filters applied for a given data source is not intersectional, the widget notifies the user to adjust the filters.

Widget Filters When a Widget Is "Locked"

The behavior of locked widget filters has been streamlined. When filters are locked for a given widget, only the widget filters are used, and the widget ignores any dashboard-level filters.

Context Tooltips for Events

In order to better understand each event type, we have now added tooltips explaining each event type in the event detail.

Increase Available Stream Integrations per Account Group

The maximum amount of Stream Integrations per account group has been increased from 1 to 5, allowing you to create more streams to suit your needs.

Endpoint Agent: Generic Installers to Replace Custom Installers

As announced previously, the customized links for the Endpoint Agent installers will no longer be available. Instead, generic installers will be used. The ThousandEyes UI section for creating customized installers is marked as Deprecated and will no longer be available after June 20, 2024. You can continue to use the old installers indefinitely. However, we recommend that you shift to the new generic installers.

Document Network Path Topology Enhancement for Internet Insights

Internet Insights has improved the differentiation in the network topology screen between a node experiencing an outage and a node ‘affected by’ the outage. This enhancement is intended to make it easier to understand where the source of an outage is coming from and where that outage is having impact on other network nodes. To learn more about this enhancement, see Network Outages Topology Tab.

ServiceNow Incident Management Integration Support for Newest Versions

We have updated the ServiceNow Incident Management integration with ThousandEyes to support the latest versions, including the Utah, Vancouver, and Washington DC builds. Our documentation has also been updated to reflect the steps required for these latest versions.

Ubuntu 22.04 Support

ThousandEyes now supports installing Enterprise Agents on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (code name "Jammy Jellyfish", or just "Jammy"). For support dates, see the Enterprise Agent Support Lifecycle.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved timestamp inconsistencies for PDF exports of dashboards.

  • Fixed an issue where the dashboard selector list was not surfaced in the expected order of most recent to oldest.

  • Fixed a bug that was showing inconsistent availability metrics for the scheduled tests in the Agent View. In particular, the availability was showing the opposite value (i.e., 0% when it was 100%).

  • The list of agents assigned to an Endpoint Agent test was not correctly sorted when more than 10 agents were assigned. The Edit Test side panel from the Endpoint Test Settings section now correctly sorts the agents assigned to a test.

  • Fixed a cosmetic bug that was incorrectly showing the agents running a test. When clicking a specific test in the Test Settings tab from the Endpoint Agents section, the user is able to see the amount of agents assigned to that test and the agents that are actually running that test. The Agents running the tests value was incorrectly computed and has been corrected.

  • Fixed a bug that was not showing the labels assigned to each agent in the Endpoint Agent Settings section with some screen size/resolution ratios. The user should now always be able to see the labels independently of the conditions of the screen.

  • Fixed a bug that was reporting "No items available!" when using special characters in the search of SSID and BSSID filters in the Endpoint Agent. User should now be able to search for those SSID and BSSID that include special characters.

  • To keep consistency with the rest of ThousandEyes UI, when clicking on a link that redirects the user to another area within ThousandEyes (e.g., "Open in Views" or "Open in Agent Views" when selecting a specific agent), the new area will be opened on the same browser tab instead of opening a new one.

New Cloud Agents

  • Beijing, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Beijing, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Beijing, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Changsha, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Chengdu, China (IPv6)

  • Chengdu, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Chongqing, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Dalian, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Foshan, China (IPv6)

  • Guangzhou, China (IPv6)

  • Guangzhou, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Guangzhou, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Jinan, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Nanjing, China (IPv6)

  • Ningbo, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Shanghai, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Shanghai, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Shanghai, China China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Shenyang, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Shenzhen, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Shenzhen, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Shijiazhuang, China (China Unicom) (IPv6)

  • Tianjin, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Wenzhou, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Wuhan, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Wuxi, China (IPv6)

  • Xi'an, China (China Telecom) (IPv6)

  • Zhengzhou, China (China Mobile) (IPv6)

  • Frankfurt, Germany (Vodafone)

  • Frankfurt, Germany (Vodafone) (IPv6)

  • Porto Alegre, Brazil

  • Lima, Peru

  • Santiago, Chile


Introducing Unified Test Creation Workflow

To streamline the test creation experience, we will gradually introduce the new Unified Test Creation workflow starting June 20th. From the test settings, you can click on the Start Monitoring button to begin your monitoring journey. This allows you to create a single test or deploy from the built-in or user-defined templates.

We are also introducing suggestion cards to surface any available recommendations and integrations. These cards offer actions you can take to enhance your existing monitoring. Click the Set up Recommneded Tests card to find any discovered test recommendations and start deployment.

To switch back to the original test creation UI, click the “Switch to Classic test creation” button. For more information, see Templates: Select a Template via Start Monitoring.


New Bell Notifications and Improvements

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve user experience, we have added several new features to the "bell" notifications. These include:

  • Individual notifications can now be dismissed via the x button beside them in the notifications list.

  • All notifications can now be dismissed by clicking the new Dismiss All button.

  • Some notifications are now contextual to the relevant account group, and will only appear in the notifications list when logged in to that account.

Three new notification types have also been added:

  • Integrations available (only shows up if you don't have any integrations configured).

  • Recommended Tests available (if you have an integration configured).

  • You have tests in a draft state.

These notifications will only be visible to users with the required permissions for setting up/configuring integrations and tests. In addition, they will only appear once every two of months, and will disappear after 7 days (unless dismissed before then). For tests in a draft state, notifications appear every 7 days as long as there are tests matching this state.

For more information about the bell notification, see Glossary: Bell Notification.


Introducing Near Real-time BGP Monitoring and Alerting

ThousandEyes will release near real-time BGP monitoring and alerting. BGP tests will have the ability to be run at a 1-minute interval (as compared to the current 15-minute interval). This means that Views for BGP tests will also show BGP test results in 1-minute windows. For alerting, the current 15-minute, round-based alerting will shift to the new time-based format capable of alerting at 1-minute intervals. We'll start rolling this out in batches in early July.

Labels to Tags Migration

To enhance the tagging system at ThousandEyes, we will migrate all existing labels to tags in the backend. Unlike single-valued labels siloed by product area, tags are dynamic with key-value pairs that can be associated with multiple assets across products under a shared tag.

Starting June 24, 2024, when you query for tags using the v7 API (e.g., /v7/tags), all labels will be listed in a tags format key:value. For example, an existing label with the value webex will be displayed as webex:webex, with the value duplicated as the key.

Labels that were migrated to tags will include a field in the API response called legacyID, indicating that this tag was originally a label and was then migrated. legacyId corresponds to the numeric ID assigned to the original label. Tags that were created natively will have an empty value in the legacyID field in the API response. Tags are currently supported for CEA Tests, CEA Agents, Endpoint Scheduled Tests, and Dashboards. Tags are not applicable to Endpoint Agents.

Please note that this change is only visible via the API. The UI will continue to display labels as they are, and tags created using the API will not yet be visible in the UI. This will be updated when we introduce tags in the UI in a future release.


Introducing Enhanced Onboarding

Enhanced Onboarding allows new ThousandEyes customers to onboard quickly and easily with personalized monitoring coverage recommendations based on email domains and best practice guides. In addition, you can select, configure, and deploy a wide range of certified templates. The process concludes with setting up notifications and integrations. Enhanced Onboarding guides new customers through every step, providing a seamless and tailored onboarding experience. To learn more about Templates, see Templates


Create Templates in UI

You can now create, edit and delete templates directly in the UI. You can modify the JSON contents of templates using a template editor in the UI, which includes syntax highlighting and intellisense to make editing and creating templates easier and less error prone than using the API. If you don't want to create a template from scratch, you can duplicate existing ThousandEyes templates and edit them. The template editor also supports editing and deleting templates. Note that editing or deleting built-in ThousandEyes templates is not supported.

For more information, see User-defined Templates: Creating a User-defined Template from Scratch.


Dashboard Templates

Dashboard templates are an easy and efficient way to deploy commonly used widgets and dashboard layouts that will help you visualize your ThousandEyes data better. You can fully utilize the power of ThousandEyes by leveraging dashboards to diagnose overall network and application health and to streamline troubleshooting.

These templates enable you to visualize the tests and critical metrics in one place without requiring the expertise to configure custom dashboards for different use cases, user personas, or teams.

Dashboard templates are available for Cloud and Enterprise Agents. You can learn more about deploying them in Dashboard Templates.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.195.4

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms


Updates to Red Hat Enterprise Linux End of Life Dates

We have been made aware of an error in our current lifecycle documentation and support policies due to a change made in the End of Life (EOL) dates upstream for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

RHEL 8.8, RHEL 8.9, RHEL 9.2, and RHEL 9.3 have an EOL date of May 31 2024 (rather than April 30, 2024) and RHEL 9.4 has an EOL date of April 30, 2026 (unchanged), according to the official Red Hat documentation.

Our policy documentation and the Agent Controller have been corrected. In alignment with our lifecycle policy, we provide customers an additional 60 day grace period after RHEL's EOL date prior to considering that version EOL for the our Enterprise Agent.

As such, our Enterprise Agent for RHEL 8.9 (which is a current short-lived release) will now be EOL on July 30th, 2024 (rather than June 29th, 2024).

We strongly recommend that you do not deploy short-lived RHEL releases without Extended Update Support (EUS) into your production environments, as these releases have lifecycles that do not overlap.

Long-lived releases continue receiving all necessary patches, and have much longer lifecycles that overlap one another, allowing for easier transitions and upgrades for production environments.

We recommend customers currently using RHEL 8.9 upgrade to RHEL 8.10 (released May 22, 2024), which will be supported until 2029.

UI for Configuring ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry

ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry streaming integrations can now be configured from the platform UI. To add a new integration, navigate to the Integrations page and click on the + New Integration button, then select ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry from the list of integration types.

Existing integrations that have been configured with the API will be shown in the list on the Integrations page. To edit an existing streaming integration, click on the integration in the list to open the Edit OpenTelemetry Integration dialog for that integration.

For more information, see Configuring ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Using the UI.

Support for API Test Type

ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry now supports the API test type. You can start streaming API test data points in addition to all other ThousandEyes test data already available in OpenTelemetry now, as well as add API tests to existing streams by assigning the test to the tag associated with the stream through the Tags API.

The new API test metrics are:

  • Base metrics: api.metrics.completion and api.metrics.time. They contain the attributes error.type and error.details.

  • Metrics per API test step: api.step.metrics.completion and api.step.metrics.time. They contain the attributes step, url.full and http.request.method.

For more information on metrics and how to add API tests to your existing streams, see ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Metrics.

New Endpoint Alert Rules UI

Starting May 21, 2024, users will see a new UI for the Alert Rules > Endpoint Agents page. This UI will make alert configuration more intuitive, and offer better performance and load times.

Browser Synthetics Support for WebGL Pages

Page load and transaction tests now support loading web pages that use WebGL. For web pages that trigger a browser-native notification, transaction tests will now bypass these notifications.

Webex Dynamic Test 2.0

We have introduced a new version of the Webex dynamic test to support Webex Calling and use media stream classification to identify and test media servers only. The configuration of the existing Webex dynamic test is not changed. However, an issue has been identified with these tests wherein the tests indicated 100% packet loss when VPN was used, even though the actual calls were not affected. This issue will be resolved in the next Endpoint Agent Client release.

Minor Enhancements

  • We have enhanced the selection helper sidebar for the tests dashboard filter by streamlining how to view only tests that were selected in widgets, and how to view only enabled tests.

  • For page load tests, the metric presented in Views 2.0 in Summary is now DOM Load Time, and Page Load Time is now consistent with Views 1.0.

  • The maximum number of streaming integrations per account group has been increased from 1 to 5, allowing you to create more streams to suit your needs.

2024-05-23 Bug Fixes

  • An issue was resolved where the dashboard selector list was not surfaced in the expected order of most recent to oldest.

  • Previously, when clicking a specific test in the Test Settings tab for Endpoint Agents, the "Agents running the tests" value was incorrect. This has now been resolved, and the correct number of agents running the test is displayed.

  • An issue with timestamp inconsistencies for PDF exports of dashboards has been resolved.

  • An issue that was showing inconsistent availability metrics for the scheduled tests in the Agent View for Endpoint Agents has been resolved. The availability was showing the opposite value (i.e., 0% when it was 100%), and the correct data is now shown.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 End of Life Reminder

This changelog notice is a follow up to the in-product notification that affected customers have already received, and is intended as a reminder.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.9, the last release in this series, will reach End of Life (EOL) upstream on June 30th, 2024 for customers who have not purchased the Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) from Red Hat. Per our existing policy, we will move into the End of Support stage on this date, with an expected End of Life date for ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents installed on RHEL 7.x of August 30th, 2024.

Please ensure you migrate these agents to a supported distribution as soon as possible, and contact your ThousandEyes Support or Account teams if you have any questions or concerns.

For more information on how to use the virtual agent cluster feature to support migrating test configurations to a new agent, see Replacing an Enterprise Agent using the Agent Clustering Method.

New Templates

This release introduces the following ThousandEyes certified templates for monitoring SaaS applications:

  • Slack Template: Monitor your Slack instance based on your Slack tenant name, WebSocket, and CDN, without the BrowserBot-enabled agents.

  • Slack Application-Layer Template: Monitor your Slack instance, WebSocket, CDN, and API with the BrowserBot-enabled agents.

    You can select either template based on your Enterprise Agent types. Learn more here: Monitoring Slack.

  • Salesforce Template: Monitor your Salesforce instance based on your Salesforce tenant name including the following tests

    • Authoritative DNS

    • Salesforce Classic

    • Salesforce Lightning

    • Login

    • DNS Trace

    • Static Assets

    • Files

    You can learn more here: Monitoring Salesforce.

  • Zoom Template: Monitor your Zoom instance based on your Zoom tenant name. This template includes the following tests:

    • Zoom Application

    • Zoom Cloud Room Connector

    • DNS

    • DNS Trace

    You can learn more here: Monitoring Zoom.

API Test Type Updates

  • Both the API Transaction Time and API Completion metrics will now be shown by default for the API test type in Views 2.0.

  • PATCH is now available for API tests when configuring the Target API as one of the available methods.

  • The default test interval is now aligned with the overall recommended test interval for Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests, which is two minutes. All existing API tests are unaffected.

  • An issue occurred where API test type alerts were misfiring for step-specific alerts. This has been resolved, and the metrics at start now show the API step level metrics for the round where the alert fired.

Limited Outages Map for Internet Insights

We’ve recently released the limited outages map, enabling users to gain partial insights into global application and network outages even without an Internet Insights subscription. In order to access the limited outages map, log in to the ThousandEyes platform and select Internet Insights from the navigation pane on the left.

For more information, see Limited Outage Map.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Auckland, New Zealand (One NZ) (IPv6)

  • Doha, Qatar (Vodafone)

  • Doha, Qatar (Vodafone) (IPv6)

2024-05-10 Bug Fixes

  • An issue was resolved where users were not able to see all test labels when selecting the Test Label filter in the Synthetic Tests tab from the Endpoint Test Settings section. The user can now scroll down the list to see all the test labels available.


Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.195.0

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • Fixed an issue where data from local network tests could not be collected in some rare conditions.

  • The Endpoint agent no longer sends some redundant metrics to the backend for some tests. This makes the agent more efficient and consumes less bandwidth to send it to the backend.

  • Additional information is included in the error messages when a test fails due to local resource exhaustion.

  • The following software components have now been updated:

    • sqlite version to version 1.45.2

    • zlib to version 1.3.1

    • curk to version 8.7.1


  • Fixed an issue where installation could fail if there were accounts that couldn't be used for interactive logins.

  • Fixed an issue where IP addresses bypassed by Zscaler would be incorrectly identified in some cases.


  • Fixed an issue where in some cases the default gateway of an interface would not be retrieved.


WAN Insights Updates

  • The quality metrics widget shown in the Recommendation Details Modal of WAN Insights has been revised for better consistency of information.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Auckland, New Zealand (One NZ)

  • Doha, Qatar (Ooerdoo)

  • Doha, Qatar (Ooerdoo) (IPv6)

  • Madrid, Spain (Vodafone)

  • Madrid, Spain (Vodafone) (IPv6)

  • Mexico City, Mexico (TelMex)

  • Mexico City, Mexico (TelMex) (IPv6)

  • Salvador, Brazil (Claro)

  • Salvador, Brazil (Claro) (IPv6)

  • Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

  • Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (IPv6)

  • São Paulo, Brazil (Telefônica Brasil)

  • São Paulo, Brazil (Telefônica Brasil) (IPv6)

2024-04-25 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a minor issue with the widget filter selection menu for Devices.


Enhanced Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Monitoring

We have increased our network of monitors across various geographic locations, significantly enhancing your capacity to identify issues and optimize routing worldwide. Our new ThousandEyes monitors capture full routing tables from our BGP peers, provide novel vantage points, and are not dependent on public data sources. These state-of-the-art monitors provide a more detailed and comprehensive view of your BGP posture.

To help you quickly identify the different monitor types at a glance, we have also updated our icon set. You will find distinct icons representing the three types of monitors within our BGP path visualization:

  • New ThousandEyes monitors

  • Public monitors from the RouteViews project and RIPE RIS

  • Private (customer-owned) monitors

For more information, see Using the BGP Route Visualization View.


Feature Release: AWS Test Recommendations

We are excited to roll out the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Test Recommendations feature for CloudFront and Global Accelerator, specifically designed to optimize and simplify the monitoring of AWS resources with ThousandEyes. This tool is engineered to accelerate your setup process and enhance monitoring efficiency across your AWS infrastructure. Feature highlights include:

  • Automated Service Discovery: Instantly locates and identifies key AWS resources leveraging CloudFront or Global Accelerator, streamlining your test setup.

  • Intuitive Templates: Employs best practices for swift and accurate test configuration tailored to the specific demands of your AWS setup.

For more information about AWS Test Recommendations, see Test Recommendations.


Multi-Region Support for Internet Insights

Internet Insights now uses data from all regions to identify network outages. This aligns our network outage capabilities with our application outages.

Users can only view their affected tests for either network or application outages in the region in which the test was provisioned.

Event Updates

  • To align with the event detection calculation window of five minutes, events that have a duration of five minutes or less will now be shown as having a duration of < 5m.

  • In order to make it easier to determine the cause of a server event, and to save users time investigating the same issue from the affected tests perspective, we have now added the Cause field to show the major error type seen across tests that are part of the server event. This includes both the error seen in the HTTP phases (such as HTTP receive timeout) as well as specific response codes (such as HTTP 5xx responses).

Preventing Command Injection in CSV Downloads

When you download a CSV file of the data in a dashboard widget that includes user-configured values (i.e., test names, agent names, test labels, or agent labels), the CSV is now sanitized to prevent command injection.

Your CSV is now protected in the following ways:

  • We prepend each string value with a single quotation mark (')

  • We wrap the entire string in double quotes ("). Any double quotation mark used is now escaped using an additional double quotation mark.


  • A user-configured value shown in the UI as Test Name will appear in the CSV as "'Test Name".

  • A user-configured value shown in the UI as Test"s Name will appear in the CSV as "'Test""s Name".

  • A user-configured value shown in the UI as Tests=Name will appear in the CSV as "'Tests=Name".

2024-04-11 Bug Fixes

  • An issue was found where customers would see an error message when selecting any of the suggested default Fixed Time Intervals in the Agent View. As a result, no data was displayed in the graph section. This bug has been resolved, and the "Local Networks" data is now properly presented.

  • An issue was found that was preventing users without API access permissions from creating and modifying Endpoint Agent tests in the Test Settings section. The requirement has been removed and users without that permission should now be able to create and modify tests.

  • An issue was found that was incorrectly showing the Matching and Available agents in the Endpoint Agent labels. In particular, when using the All and Any filter conditions, the agents shown were inconsistent. The bug has been addressed and they are now shown correctly.

  • Endpoint Agent labels are now required to be unique. If your existing labels include duplicates, the platform will add a numeric suffix to the label. For example, a duplicate label of "All" will be renamed by the ThousandEyes platform as "All (1)".

  • Resolved an issue where users were unable to share unit calculator links.

  • Previously, the Event Details modal would sometimes show a count of affected agents (under Event Impact) that was different from the one seen under the Affected Agents column (under Affected Items). This was because of the way the calculations were done for the affected items table. The table now lists out all affected target IPs, ensuring the correct agent count will be shown.


Updates to Templates

Automated Test Target Discovery

The ThousandEyes application now offers a list of test recommendations tailored to your email address domain. To learn more about creating templates from test recommendations, see Select a Template from Recommendations.

Add format Field to User Inputs

A new format field has been added to specify further validation for different input types. For example, text can be specified as format type multi-line.

2024-04-10 Templates Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a template's UserInput.allowValues is not displayed as a selector

  • Fixed validation for string user inputs with format: multi-line

New Templates

This release introduces new templates for monitoring the following SaaS applications:


TLS Support for Agent Proxies

ThousandEyes agents now support HTTPS proxy locations for static proxies.

In cases where the proxy location is set in the agent's configuration file (for Docker agents and Linux agents), if the user sets an HTTPS proxy protocol for a static proxy type, gRPC connections that the agent makes will not go through the proxy. If a proxy is required for outgoing network traffic, the gRPC connection might not work.

This will affect all features that require a gRPC connection, including changing the log-level on an agent while it is running, getting log files from an agent, and getting a TCP dump from an agent via the ThousandEyes web platform.

Create a new proxy configuration

A new protocol option has been added when creating an agent proxy configuration:

Update an existing proxy configuration

Existing proxy configurations now have the new protocol option added, but unchecked:

If unchecked, the default value is HTTP.

Configure a Docker agent with a new proxy configuration

New Docker agents can be created with the HTTPS configuration as well:

Create a new Linux agent with the script

An optional <PROXY PROTOCOL>:// configuration has been added to the -P option when executing the script. An example command is shown below:

sudo ./ \
  -b \
  -t STATIC \
  -u <PASSWORD> \

Both the Linux and Docker agent configurations set the proxy-location option in the ThousandEyes agent's configuration file (usually /etc/te-agent.cfg). This option now supports an optional protocol. The format is [protocol://]ip:port, and the value can be either http or https.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.193.1

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • Fixed an issue with auto protocol detection that stopped the periodic checking if the selected mode was still the best.


  • Fixed a bug in the Endpoint Agent installer that prevented installation of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable pre-requisite when executed via the command line.

  • The Endpoint agent can now probe multiple DNS servers per round within Local Networks.


  • The Endpoint agent can now probe multiple DNS servers per round within Local Networks.

Changes to Expired Account Activation

New users who haven't completed registration yet and use an expired activation link will now see an updated "expired link" message and will be allowed to request a new activation link. We have also increased the expiration of the new user activation link to 72 hours, and the password reset link expiration to 48 hours.


Introducing the new NPCAP Version Exception Control

ThousandEyes is excited to announce a new feature that enhances the flexibility of managing the configuration of Endpoint agents. This new control, accessible in the UI through the Advanced Agent Settings tab under the Agent Settings section of the Endpoint Agent, allows customers to configure exceptions for NPCAP versions not supported by default.

Adding an exception for an unsupported NPCAP version is a simple and transparent process that does not require upgrading or rebooting your agents. The changes are seamlessly applied to all online agents within two hours, causing minimal disruption to your workflow and no downtime for your agents.

For more information, refer to the Advanced Agent Settings article.


90-Day Password Expiration Option

Password expiration rule options have been updated to include a 90-day option. For more details on how the ThousandEyes optional password expiration policy works, see Role-Based Access Control.


New IPV6 Addresses for Network Access Control Rules

We are in the process of updating our IPV6 addresses for several public-facing areas of the platform. Customers needing to configure network access control rules (or ACLs) to access ThousandEyes services will need the information below to configure their devices with the new IP addresses. These addresses will take effect on May 28th, 2024.

Global IP Addresses

Product / ServiceDNS Domain NameNew IPv6 Addresses

ThousandEyes Web Application

2600:9000:a402:3156:8dd4:d4ec:54d1:986c, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:7990:be4b:7e5f:ca31


2600:9000:a402:3156:56b:2e3e:adda:a962, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:3318:edcb:4dfa:8c2e

2600:9000:a402:3156:b00d:4bdb:372c:853d, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:545f:7d42:4647:7d05

ThousandEyes API

2600:9000:a402:3156:973d:765b:3343:170, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:a6c6:7c84:2053:18ae

US1 Region IP Addresses

Product / ServiceDNS Domain NameNew IPv6 Addresses

Endpoint Agents

2600:9000:a402:3156:e78a:de87:ba7f:8640, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:1395:5280:a080:77f3

2600:9000:a402:3156:1ed5:6dac:fe27:9d6d, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:9f92:78c9:424e:d451

US2 Region IP Addresses

Product / ServiceDNS Domain NameNew IPv6 Addresses

Enterprise Agents,

2600:9000:a402:3156:ec1c:12bb:2fe3:5cfe, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:69db:1ae2:5e68:87fa, 2600:9000:a617:a514:8e0f:8fa0:22d:daf6, 2600:9000:a51a:57fb:441d:f096:8886:7172

2600:9000:a617:a514:9d10:8ff1:33e1:60a0, 2600:9000:a51a:57fb:67d1:c825:2558:d3d8

2600:9000:a617:a514:c7ea:433a:c8aa:b257, 2600:9000:a51a:57fb:e568:20dd:1cfe:d2f2

2600:9000:a617:a514:238c:87f8:4ac6:f883, 2600:9000:a51a:57fb:784e:f506:b2e1:672e

Endpoint Agents

2600:9000:a617:a514:3423:4f87:6e54:757e, 2600:9000:a51a:57fb:b52c:c694:9ca7:12e6

2600:9000:a617:a514:e8a9:44d8:fdb9:6fe3, 2600:9000:a51a:57fb:643d:596:6c72:8f49

EU1 Region IP Addresses

Product / ServiceDNS Domain NameNew IPv6 Addresses

Enterprise Agents,

2600:9000:a402:3156:ec1c:12bb:2fe3:5cfe, 2600:9000:a71c:9fff:69db:1ae2:5e68:87fa, 2600:9000:a419:70ce:42b:8b42:5402:ca40, 2600:9000:a71f:f2a:3882:322c:4f31:8fb5

2600:9000:a419:70ce:eef3:7c97:e2b7:348c, 2600:9000:a71f:f2a:2cce:e68b:6f1d:c5c6

2600:9000:a419:70ce:9ca0:c090:375:2210, 2600:9000:a71f:f2a:57ff:f7bc:e892:a871

2600:9000:a419:70ce:f120:ba93:e202:47fc, 2600:9000:a71f:f2a:9e2a:cb4b:58d2:b9e1

Endpoint Agents

2600:9000:a419:70ce:7fea:f760:cb72:4b58, 2600:9000:a71f:f2a:63e6:f444:dbc:c7f9

2600:9000:a419:70ce:5482:7104:cd06:8f44, 2600:9000:a71f:f2a:84dc:475:8c2e:b853

Dashboard Filters are now available for Dashboard Snapshots, Widget Embeds, and Downloads

Dashboard snapshots now include the application of dashboard filters used in the session or in the default filter set. In addition, dashboard widget embeds now include the application of the dashboard filter set selected as the default option in the dashboard settings page. The filters are also now accounted for in CSV and PDF downloads.

Scheduled dashboard snapshots will soon have support for filters/filter sets.

New Usage APIs Available to All Usage Billing Organizations

The new usage APIs are now available to all usage billing model customers. In addition, these APIs now allow customers to retrieve usage based on the account group that owns the test, rather than the previous limitation of the account group that owns the Enterprise Agent.

You can find our OpenAPI specifications on the Cisco DevNet portal by following the links below:

New Recorder IDE Version 1.18.0

Released ThousandEyes Recorder IDE 1.18.0. This new release of the Recorder will now use Chromium 118 as Default, and Chromium 120 as Newer when recording a user’s browser interaction. You can find this setting in the Recorder IDE, under Recording & Playback Options in the Chromium Version dropdown. For more information, see Dual Chromium Option.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

Oracle OCI Cloud Agents

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands (Oracle eu-amsterdam-1)

  • Ashburn, VA, USA (Oracle us-ashburn-1)

  • Frankfurt, Germany (Oracle eu-frankfurt-1)

  • London, England (Oracle uk-london-1)

  • Phoenix, AZ, USA (Oracle us-phoenix-1)

  • São Paulo, Brazil (Oracle sa-saopaulo-1)

  • Sydney, Australia (Oracle ap-sydney-1)


Views 2.0 is Now Default for Many Organizations

As of today, we have automatically transitioned organizations that will significantly benefit from our improved user experience in Views 2.0 for displaying their test data.

This new UX is designed to enhance how you interact with your data, with multi-metric capabilities, overlays, and filtering. However, we understand that change can be an adjustment. If you feel the new experience isn't the best fit for your needs, worry not! You can easily revert back to Views 1.0. This option is readily accessible, ensuring you have full control over how you view your data.

To manually update your default Views experience, click the ... located at the top right corner of the screen (next to the Submit Feedback link). Under Change default view, select "Views 1.0", if you would like to revert back to Views 1.0. If you have not been automatically transitioned and you would like Views 2.0 as your default experience, you can select "Views 2.0" from this menu.

ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Updates

New Resource Attribute

Introduced a new resource attribute, (string), now included with every data point exported via OpenTelemetry. For more information, see Resource Attributes.

Support for BGP Test Type

ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry now supports BGP test type. This update includes the export of BGP-related data points to OpenTelemetry, with metrics that mirror those returned from the BGP API. The metrics include: bgp.metrics.path.changes, bgp.metrics.reachability, and bgp.metrics.updates. Each metric is enriched with the prefix attribute and additional attributes related to the BGP monitors, such,, and monitor.location. Since BGP tests do not involve agents, agent-related attributes are omitted from these data points. For more information, see ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Metrics.


Variable Dropdowns for Text Fields

API tests now support variable type ahead for easier use of predefined variables and variables from the API response in post-request options. A dropdown will become visible when you enter {{ for the variable syntax, and you will then be able to select from a list of variables available in that API step.

Minor Enhancements

  • The drill-down window on widgets created from alerts data will now surface a link to the relevant test, even when there are no active alerts, enabling smoother cross-platform navigation.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.191.3

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:


  • The instructions at the end of the endpoint agent installation have been updated to use the Connection String for registering the installed agent.


Endpoint Agent: Generic Installers to replace Custom Installers

Please note that after June 20, 2024, the customized links for the Endpoint Agent installers will no longer be available. Instead, generic installers will be used. Currently, the customized installer links in the ThousandEyes UI include the configuration of your account group. These links are created on the fly and save you the trouble of entering a connection string when you install.

With generic installers, you need to pass the connection string or register an agent post-installation to provide your account group configuration. If you want to learn more about this, please visit the Install the Endpoint Agent article.

Customized installers are more convenient; however, anti-virus and malware scans often block these installers. As companies adopt stricter standards to prevent supply chain attacks and other issues, these installers are no longer suitable. Customized installers hinder our progress as we integrate more services and require higher security standards.

The ThousandEyes UI section for creating customized installers is marked as Deprecated and will no longer be available after June 20, 2024.

You can continue to use the old installers indefinitely. However, we recommend that you shift to the new generic installers.

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.191.2

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • The agent will now free up disk space for databases over 100MB with empty/fragmented space.

  • The Local Network gateway probe now reports system and wireless metrics for the same period of the round it is reporting for. This change is made to align the timespan of the reported metrics with some upcoming work and reports. It will provide a better representation of the system and wireless performance of the machine. Therefore, the metrics report a larger timespan that includes the duration of the round it is reporting for.

  • The auto-detect feature has been improved to accommodate situations where the WiFi connection is re-established.

  • The Endpoint Agent has been upgraded to include support for network devices, including certain 4G/5G mobile data cards.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing the auto-detect protocol to not function accurately.


  • Resolved an issue where Local Network probes did not provide complete data while the Check Point VPN Client was being used.

WAN Insights Multi-Tenant Support

Customers using vManage in Multi-Tenant mode will now be able to activate and use WAN Insights. All customers can use out-of-the box application categories (application classes in vManage), regardless of which SD-WAN version they have. Support for custom application groupings in Multi-Tenant mode will only be available with vManage version 20.12 or higher. See Special Notes for Multi-Tenant Deployments for more information.


Agent-to-Agent Layer is now supported in Views 2.0

The Agent-to-Agent Layer is now supported in the Views 2.0 experience. In addition to providing a detailed look at inter-agent connectivity that helps to better understand network paths and performance issues, we've worked to ensure this layer integrates seamlessly with multi-metric capabilities and overlays. Soon Views 2.0 will be the default experience for most users. You will, however, still be able to revert back to the Views 1.0 experience while you are adjusting to the change.

Updates to Templates

Group Templates by Application or Partner

ThousandEyes Templates are now grouped by application and/or vendor, making it easier for you to browse the Template catalog and find the application or service you want to monitor.

2024-03-08 Templates Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where users who could not create tests were shown the From Template drop-down button.

Removed Test Limit from ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry

Updated ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry to remove the limit of tests per account group.


Chromium 118-120 Upgrade Completed

The upgrade has successfully completed for the Chromium browser in all ThousandEyes agents:

  • Chromium 118 (for Browserbot package type: default)

  • Chromium 118/120 (for the dual Chromium BrowserBot package type)

All page load and transaction tests on Cloud and Enterprise Agents will now run Chromium 118 as the default browser.

If you see any transaction test instability correlated with this timeframe and you suspect it may be related to the Chromium upgrade, please refer to Chromium Upgrade Known Issues, check with your Customer Success Manager (CSM) for messages regarding this upgrade from ThousandEyes, or contact ThousandEyes Support for assistance.

We will continue to perform Chromium upgrades on a regular basis. We highly recommend reviewing the procedural guidelines for our Dual Chromium Option and testing any critical transaction tests in the look-ahead version of Chromium version provided by the Dual Chromium Option.


Microsoft Teams Rooms supported on Cisco Webex Devices (RoomOS)

Microsoft Teams sessions can now be monitored on devices running the Microsoft Teams platform on RoomOS and above. You can use the Microsft Teams test template to monitor these sessions. You can learn more about this here.


Introducing Event Detection

ThousandEyes event detection automatically analyzes, detects, and correlates anomalies to identify problem domains based on results from synthetic tests. These events are generated when sudden or anomalous deviations are seen for a metric, particularly across multiple tests and/or agents.

For more information, see Event Detection.


Updates to Templates

Add Support for Template Versioning in Template Configuration

When you make modifications to a template you've created you can now use the version field to track changes to the template.

Support Transaction Tests in Templates

Templates now support deploying transaction tests. Users can also modify the transaction script in the Template UI before deploying.

Update Template for AWS Gateway Recommendations

API Tests generated from AWS API Gateway recommendation flow include an optional API step for authentication.

Unsafe Legacy Renegotiation for Cloud and Enterprise Agents

We have added the ability to allow TLS renegotiation with servers that do not support secure renegotiation (as described in RFC 5746). This option is enabled by default for all tests with HTTP options, but can be disabled by unchecking the box.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Belo Horizonte, Brazil (TIM)

  • Belo Horizonte, Brazil (TIM) (IPv6)

  • Manaus, Brazil (TIM)

  • Manaus, Brazil (TIM) (IPv6)

2024-03-01 Bug Fixes


  • An inconsistency was found between the Alert count on the widget UI and the drill-down UI. This issue has been resolved.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented customers from drilling into the correct Endpoint Test view.


General Availability of ThousandEyes API V7

We have launched the ThousandEyes API version 7 for everyone.

The API v7 brings in new capabilities for developers and DevOps-focused customers, which include standardization, performance, and better documentation. It aims to provide a unified API surface for all ThousandEyes product areas. The API v7 aims to streamline and improve use cases while enhancing interoperability with tools common to operations workflows.

Also, we have updated the location of our API documentation to

As part of this update, the ThousandEyes API v7 will be enabled by default for all customers. According to our API support policy, the previous version of our API will be supported for one year after an initial 90-day notification period.

Please be aware that support for API v6 will be discontinued after June 2025.


Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.189.1

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:


  • Resolved an issue where the Local Network probes would not provide complete data when the Check Point VPN Client was in use.


  • Webex VIMT/VMN calls are now supported with RoomOS and higher. You can use the existing Webex Dynamic test to detect these sessions. Learn more about this here.


Deploy ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents in Webex Video Mesh Network Clusters

ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents can now be deployed in Webex Video Mesh Network (VMN) clusters. For Webex VMN customers, you can enable this feature by copying your Account Group token from ThousandEyes and pasting it into the provided field in the Webex Control Hub, and enabling the feature with the slider. This will automatically deploy ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents to all of your configured Webex VMN sites. The agents will then appear in the ThousandEyes platform, using the name of the site.

This is intended to provide customers with a pathway to conduct agent to agent testing using RTP stream tests to the Webex Meetings Cloud Agent PoPs, allowing you to build a deeper understanding of the performance and quality of your Webex VMN environment. For more details, see the Webex VMN and ThousandEyes Deployment Guide.

Updates to Test Templates

Align Test Template Permissions with Endpoint Tests Permissions

Test templates introduced new permissions that were inconsistent with Endpoint Agent tests. Now that Endpoint Agent tests are supported in the test templates workflow, the permissions have been made consistent.

2024-02-20 Test Templates Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue affecting the publishing of the audit event after deploying or editing a test template.

  • Fixed an issue in test template deployment validation with checking for duplicates.

  • Switch to using safe-handlebars that doesn't allow 'eval'.

  • Support the "version" field in the test template model.

New Test Templates

This release introduces templates for the following third-party services:

  • Okta

  • Atlassian

  • ServiceNow

  • Five9 SIP

Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.189.0

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • Resolved an issue where network measurements would be incomplete when using GlobalProtect, PulseSecure, or F5 VPNs to connect to the local network's DNS and Gateway probes.

  • Resolved an issue where the probing mode of a test would use the TCP protocol despite selecting the ICMP protocol in test settings and the ICMP protocol being effective.

  • Improved auto protocol detection algorithm now considers premature probe cancellation due to RST response.

  • We have improved the auto protocol detection feature to re-calibrate itself if the probe results suddenly worsen significantly.


  • We have resolved an error that caused a disabled agent to activate the te-chromehelper.exe process multiple times.

  • Endpoint agents will now submit CPU and memory usage metrics, even when using a VPN that is not supported.

  • The agent will attempt to automatically detect the active Zscaler tunnel version. If auto-detection fails, the agent will assume that version 1.0 is being used.


  • The agent will attempt to automatically detect the active Zscaler tunnel version. If auto-detection fails, the agent will assume that version 1.0 is being used.


  • We now support HTTP scheduled tests that use the system proxy.


Anomaly Detection Alerting

We have introduced a new quantile-based dynamic baseline alerting model. This advanced approach enhances anomaly detection by auto-detecting thresholds, ensuring that alerts more accurately reflect actual network behaviors and patterns.

The quantile model baseline is not impacted by outliers in the data and is particularly relevant for network performance data, which often exhibits non-normal distribution characteristics. With this new model, users have greater control over alert sensitivity. They can define the threshold sensitivity using one of three options: low, medium, and high. This customization enables customers to tailor the alert system to their specific needs, leading to a more relevant and responsive alerting experience.

For more information, see Dynamic Baselines.

Introducing WAN Insights Capacity Planning

The WAN Insights capacity planning tool allows you to quickly identify circuits that are trending towards high capacity utilization, before it becomes detrimental to user applications. You can use WAN Insights as your circuit inventory dashboard and inspect bandwidth utilization across your network, to quickly identify which circuits are running close to capacity, or at capacity, and compare different interface types across the network in terms of bandwidth utilization.

The WAN Insights Capacity List screen showing circuit capacity is available from the left-hand navigation menu under WAN Insights > Capacity Planning. For more information, refer to the pages for Capacity Planning and Capacity Screen.

ThousandEyes SAML Certificate Renewal

We have renewed the ThousandEyes SAML certificate and now returns a new certificate. If you use a dynamic configuration for your SSO, your IdP server will automatically receive the new certificate. If you use a static or metadata-file configuration, you will need to update to the new certificate. For instructions, see ThousandEyes SAML Configuration.

We have extended the support of the old certificate until March 14th, 2024. If your configuration requires an update, you must complete the update by this date.

If your organization continues to use the old certificate for encrypting SAML assertions, users in your organization will no longer be able to log into ThousandEyes after March 14th, 2024. The single logout feature will also be impacted.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and Rocky Linux 9 Support

ThousandEyes now supports installing Enterprise Agents on devices running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 and Rocky Linux 9. The support dates for these operating systems can be found here: Enterprise Agent Support Lifecycle.

Installation instructions can be found here: Enterprise Agent Deployment using the Linux Package Method.

Webex Dynamic Test 2.0 Limited Preview

A new version of the Webex dynamic test is entering Limited Preview. This test configuration adds support for Webex Calling and uses media stream classification to identify and test media servers only. The configuration of the existing Webex dynamic test is not changed.

Only customers who opt-in to this preview will receive the new configuration under the same Webex dynamic test, and notice the behavior change. To get started, please contact ThousandEyes Support or the Account team.

Minor Enhancements

  • BrowserBot now supports Podman 4.6.1.

  • Users will now receive a notification in the UI when a ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry stream fails to connect to its endpoint for more than 3 days. If the connection issue is not resolved, users will receive another notification after 1 week and the stream will be disabled.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Medellin, Colombia (Claro)

  • Medellin, Colombia (Claro) (IPv6)

2024-02-14 Bug Fixes

  • An issue was found where customers would see a "No Data" message in their page load and transaction tests after upgrading Red Hat Enterprise Linux version. This was caused by a dependency issue with the Podman package, which has now been resolved.


New API Test Type and Views Optimized to Understand API Performance

ThousandEyes is excited to announce the release of a new test type specifically designed to monitor the performance of API targets. Teams can use this new API test to facilitate better correlations between user experience, network performance, and backend application issues.

Teams can now assess API performance health from any of our Cloud and Enterprise Agents with BrowserBot support, making it a valuable resource for network assurance.

The new API test type includes:

  • API step builder: Create simple to multi-step API tests, with no scripting required.

  • Alerting: Alert on degradations in API performance through your existing ThousandEyes alert notifications or integrations.

  • Dashboarding: Monitor all your API endpoints across tests and layers, or add API layer details to ThousandEyes dashboards.

  • Views: Visualize API performance and understand API request/response information for easier troubleshooting (available in Views 2.0 only).

Learn more at API Test Type.

Integration with AWS API Gateway for API Endpoint Discovery

To streamline the setup experience for the new API test type, we are also excited to announce a new integration with AWS API Gateway. This integration automatically and securely discovers your AWS API endpoints to eliminate the tedious copy-and-paste job needed to create your suite of ThousandEyes API tests.

To set up the AWS integration, go to Integrations > + New Integration > Amazon Web Services. Once you establish the connection, head to Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Test Settings > Add From Recommendations. The test recommendations wizard allows you to select the discovered API endpoints you want to monitor, and provides configurable settings that will apply to all the created tests. Once those tests are created, a dashboard and alert rules will also be created to monitor those APIs. This is a quick and easy way to set up meaningful tests and dashboards representing the health of your API services.

To learn more, see AWS for Test Recommendations.

Non-BrowserBot Enterprise Agent Version Now Available for Docker

ThousandEyes now provides you with the ability to install an Enterprise Agent in a Docker container without including BrowserBot. This provides you with a smaller image and cleaner installation where browser-based testing is not being utilized.

For more information on installing Enterprise Agents in Docker containers, or switching between alternative installations, see:

Dashboard Updates

  • Dashboard filters are available for all customers and now support multiple data sources. You can now add a filter set, save it, and define it as default for a dashboard.

  • We have streamlined the auto-refresh experience. New dashboards created from now on do not refresh automatically. Use the new Refresh button on the dashboard to refresh widgets instantly, and the accompanying drop-down to set your auto-refresh rate. Existing dashboards will continue to have the two minute auto-refresh rate.


Integration of ThousandEyes and Cisco Secure Access

We are excited to announce Cisco Secure Access Experience Insights, powered by ThousandEyes —a new integration between ThousandEyes and Cisco Secure Access to deliver unparalleled visibility into the digital experience.

Cisco Secure Access streamlines secure connectivity to essential work resources and applications from any location, allowing customers to safeguard access to the web, cloud services, SaaS, and private applications.

Experience Insights is a digital experience monitoring (DEM) solution that monitors the health of work-managed endpoints, their underlay and overlay connectivity, and the application performance of top SaaS applications, such as collaboration and productivity platforms. It is a component of Cisco Secure Access that provides a single correlated view for administrators to manage the connectivity, security, and digital experiences of their workforce, regardless of where the users or issues are located. Experience Insights is powered by the Cisco ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent, which is now embedded into Cisco Secure Access to enable rapid root cause identification and resolution from device to application and every network in between.

You can learn more about Experience Insights here


Incognito Mode for Recorder IDE

The recorder IDE now supports "incognito" mode for recording and playback. This allows users to record scripts that ignore local client certificates and other local authentication on a user's machine while triggering the proper login pages for service accounts.

Agent Limit Increase for Endpoint Agent Tests

The number of agents that you can assign an Endpoint Agent test to has been raised from 5,000 to 50,000 per test.

Minor Enhancements

  • Users can now drill down into affected tests through dashboard widgets configured with alerts data.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Querétaro, Mexico (Axtel)

  • Querétaro, Mexico (Axtel) (IPv6)


Updates to Test Templates

Updates to Microsoft 365 Endpoint Agent Test Templates

The following Microsoft 365 services have been separated into their own test templates and listed as "Certified":

  • OneDrive (Scheduled)

  • Outlook (Scheduled)

  • SharePoint (Scheduled)

Fixed Formatting for Endpoint Agent Test Templates

We've fixed the UI so that Endpoint Agent templates now show "Created by ThousandEyes" on a new line, to prevent the text from wrapping around.

Tests Can be Created in a Disabled State

Allow creation of disabled tests so that gathering additional information for third party integrations does not block test deployments.

2024-02-02 Test Templates Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Endpoint test templates where it was possible to run an instant test with an invalid test configuration.

  • Fixed an issue where validation errors were still showing after they had been corrected.

  • Fixed an issue where the Review button remained greyed until the user clicked out of the required text field.

  • The Perform Network Measurements option is now enabled by default when creating a custom application for Endpoint test templates.

  • Improve how validation errors are displayed when creating a new test.

  • Update the section titles in the Recommendations flow so they are consistent.

  • Improve text in Full Stack Observability recommendations that integrate with test templates.


New Endpoint Agent Test Settings

We have implemented a new workflow that simplifies the configuration process of tests for Endpoint Agents. This new process uses ThousandEyes-certified templates to quickly configure tests for some of the most commonly used applications and services. This is only a change in the workflow and does not affect any existing tests.

As part of the new workflow, we have introduced the following two changes to the naming conventions:

  1. The Automated Session Test (AST) is renamed as Dynamic Test.

  2. The Browser Session is renamed as Real User Test.

You can learn more about the new Test Settings here.


Reverting Behavior for Inactive Alerts

Previously implemented behavior that minimized inactive alerts in dashboard widgets that used alert data has been reverted.


Upcoming Chromium Upgrade for Page Load and Transaction Tests

Starting as early as January 29th, 2024, we are planning to upgrade the Chromium browser in all ThousandEyes agents to Chromium 118 (for Browserbot package type: default), and Chromium 118/120 (for the dual Chromium BrowserBot package type).

If you have critical transaction tests, use the dual Chromium option to test Chromium 118 prior to the upgrade, and ensure the stability of your tests.

Update to Endpoint Widget Data Source Configuration

Previously when configuring Endpoint Agent widgets, users had to select the type of Endpoint Agent data (automated session test, browser session, local network, or scheduled test) as the Data Source. Users will now select Endpoint Agents as the data source, and the type of data will be selectable under Category. This change is designed to create a more streamlined widget configuration experience for users.

Minor Enhancements

  • The dashboard dropdown selector is now sorted by default to show dashboards with recent modifications first.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Cancun, Mexico (Telmex)

  • Cancun, Mexico (Telmex) (IPv6)

  • Fortaleza, Brazil (Claro)

  • Fortaleza, Brazil (Claro) (IPv6)

  • Haifa, Israel

  • Haifa, Israel (IPv6)

  • Porto Alegre, Brazil (Claro)

  • Porto Alegre, Brazil (Claro) (IPv6)

  • Quito, Ecuador (Claro)

  • Quito, Ecuador (Claro) (IPv6)

  • Ramallah, Palestine

  • Ramallah, Palestine (IPv6)

  • Salvador, Brazil (TIM)

  • Salvador, Brazil (TIM) (IPv6)

  • Washington, DC, USA (Zayo)

  • Washington, DC, USA (Zayo) (IPv6)


Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.185.0

The following enhancements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client:

All Platforms

  • The text in the Endpoint Agent installer has been updated to refer to the Cisco General Terms (General Terms) instead of the End User License Agreement (EULA).

  • Concurrent Webex calling (WxC) sessions are now supported.


  • The existing functionality to query the AnyConnect COM object directly is disabled, as it prevented the UI client from initiating VPN connections in some setups.

  • The accuracy of network layer timings for TCP tests has been improved by reducing internal latency at the start of the timing and using a more consistent clock.


  • Resolved an issue where login items would persist after the user invoked the agent's uninstall script.


  • Added support for detecting network changes to trigger agent check-ins, configuration updates, and dynamic label assignments.


Updates to Test Templates

Allow Custom Test Names in the Test Templates UI

When deploying a test template, you can now customize the name of each test. Previously only the default name provided by the template was available. This offers additional flexibility and avoids test name conflicts when re-deploying templates.

DNS Server Layer in Views 2.0

We're excited to announce the completion of the DNS server layer in Views 2.0. This integration allows users to leverage the enhanced capabilities of Views 2.0 while conducting DNS server tests, as detailed here: Using the DNS Server View. Note that metric comparison is still limited to only selecting one DNS server test at a time.

With this update, users can expect a more intuitive and efficient interface, making it easier to monitor and analyze DNS server performance. This completion is a critical step towards our goal of migrating all users to the Views 2.0 platform later this year.


Introducing AWS Wavelength Zone Cloud Agents

ThousandEyes is excited to announce the release of Cloud Agent vantage points in 29 AWS Wavelength zones, including:

  • 18 zones within the United States (served by Verizon 5G MEC).

  • 1 zone within Canada (served by Bell Canada).

  • 6 zones within Europe (5 served by Vodafone, 1 served by British Telecom).

  • 2 zones in Japan (served by KDDI).

  • 2 zones in South Korea (served by SK Telecom).

Additional Cloud Agent locations will be added within other mobile environments in the future. For more information, see the ThousandEyes Blog.


Introducing Real-Time Alert Suppression Windows

Customers familiar with creating alert suppression windows (ASWs) now have the ability to apply an ASW to an alert in real time, after it has triggered. You can now remove alerts from a busy alert list using real-time ASWs to:

  • Reduce noise.

  • Better prioritize alerts.

  • Account for late-breaking or unscheduled maintenance.

  • Account for a known outage.

Real-time ASWs remove alerts from the Active Alerts list, and display them instead on the Alert History screen for the duration of the window. Set a window for anywhere from an hour to seven days, or create a custom window.

A new column in the Active Alerts screen labeled Action allows you to remove and suppress an alert directly from the screen, while you can find alerts that are currently suppressed on the Alerts History screen with the label Suppressed.

To differentiate real-time ASWs from those that are scheduled ahead of an event, we have renamed the latter scheduled ASWs. The function of scheduled ASWs has not changed.

In addition, two new fields will be added to the "Active alerts" and "Alert details" v6 API endpoint response payloads, providing metadata on suppressed alerts:

  • The "Suppressed" field indicates whether an alert is currently suppressed by a real-time alert suppression window (datatype: Integer).

  • The "Metadata.version" field tracks the number of times an alert has entered the TRIGGER state. This is useful when an alert reactivates post alert suppression window if the underlying conditions persist (datatype: Integer).

For more information about how to configure a real-time ASW, see Configuring Real-Time ASWs. The rollout of real-time ASWs has begun gradually and is expected to be completed by Friday, December 15, 2023.

Updates to Test Templates

Add a “Created by ThousandEyes” Certification for Test Templates

A new certification has been added called "Created by ThousandEyes" for test templates that are created internally by ThousandEyes for common use cases that can also serve as a quick way to get started with the platform. The existing certifications, ThousandEyes Certified and Partner Certified remain unchanged. The key difference between ThousandEyes Certified and Created by ThousandEyes is that ThousandEyes Certified are associated with a "Best Practices Guide" in order to address more complex use cases. For more information about certification types, see Test Templates: Certifications.

Upcoming Workflow and Name Changes for Endpoint Agent

At the end of January 2024, a new test configuration workflow that utilizes test templates will be introduced. This is a workflow-only change and it won't affect tests that are already in place. As part of the new workflow we will also introduce two naming convention changes, noted below:

  1. Automated Session Tests (ASTs) will be renamed to "Dynamic Tests".

  2. Browser Sessions will be renamed to "Real User Tests".

Combined the Create Dashboard and Duplicate Dashboard Side Modals

When using "Duplicate Dashboard," the context of the original dashboard will now appear. Customers enrolled in the dashboard filters limited preview (see Dashboard Filters) will also be able to select default dashboard filters for the new dashboard. Contact your account team to get early access to dashboard filters.

Default Internet Insights Network and Application Outages Alert Rules

All new paid or trial Internet Insights customers will no longer have default alerts automatically generated. Users will now need to set up alerts to align with their environment and applications in order to be notified of outages.

Existing customers will still have access to the alerts that were automatically generated for them.

You can find more information in the document covering setting up Internet Insights alerts.

New Cloud Agents

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (Claro)

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (Claro) (IPv6)


Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.182.1

Improvements have been made to the Endpoint Agent client on the following platforms:

All Platforms

  • Tests using the auto-detect probe mode will now re-check every three hours to ensure that the best mode is being used. We will continue to re-check after any network change event.

  • TCP tests are now able to attempt to use SACK probe mode even when remote hosts advertise that they will not accept SACK responses.

  • Our TCP testing engine is now more efficient and can handle more edge cases, such as reporting partial paths when receiving a premature RST packet.

  • You can now query the status of an agent via your command-line interface. Invoking the agent binary (te-agent) with the --status flag returns the last time the agent checked in, the version of the product, and the agent status.


  • When the Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) fails to download the updater multiple times, the updater now falls back to directly downloading the updated packages.

  • Endpoint Agents will no longer create a machine.json file under the ProgramData folder, for added security. The properties contained in this file are now obtained via the system registry.

  • The Cisco AnyConnect integration now detects connection/disconnection status faster and more reliably by querying the AnyConnect COM object directly.

Bug Fixes

  • All Platforms: A case of an unusually high latency prompted us to improve our TCP test engine to be more robust against clock skew.


Updates to Test Templates

2023-12-04 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where tooltips were showing when their corresponding elements were not hovered.


US2 Region Now Available

To enhance the availability and resilience of our global platform, we are introducing the US2 region (Columbus, Ohio, USA). Onboarding of new customers to the US2 region will commence in the near future. Customers interested in migrating to the US2 region should contact their account team. No action is required for customers in our existing US1 (formerly US) and EU1 (formerly EU) regions.

Renamed US and EU Regions

With the addition of the US2 region, we have renamed the existing US and EU regions to US1 and EU1 respectively, to improve clarity.

For customers who manage organizations across multiple regions, you will notice this adjustment in the Current Region field, located in the Account drop down at the top of your screen.

Added Path Trace in Session Option for Force SYN Probe in Endpoint Agent Scheduled Tests

Customers using the Force SYN probe option in scheduled tests can now select the Path trace in session option. While the "auto" option remains suitable for most customers, the path trace in session option enables customers to troubleshoot specific scenarios under specific network conditions.

Ability to Exclude Subdomains in Endpoint Agent Browser Sessions

You can now exclude subdomains from the monitoring domains, which gives you more control over your monitoring experience with Endpoint Agent browser sessions.

Previously, you could only specify which domains you wanted to monitor when the end-user accesses them, but not exclude specific subdomains from being monitored. With this new capability, you can now exclude unwanted subdomains from the monitoring domain.

This new capability provides greater flexibility and efficiency in managing your monitoring preferences. Whether you have subdomains that are not relevant to your monitoring objectives or you want to focus on specific aspects of your website, this feature enables you to refine your monitoring strategy according to your unique needs.

For more information, see Configure Browser Sessions.

Global Dashboard Filters

Instead of changing filter values on each widget of a dashboard, users can leverage dashboard filters to change the values of multiple widgets that are connected to the Cloud and Enterprise Agent data source. This feature is in Limited Preview, you can learn more about it here. Contact your account team to get access to dashboard filters.

Limited Preview for v7 API

The ThousandEyes v7 API is entering Limited Preview. Our v7 API brings new capabilities for developer- and DevOps-focused customers from standardization to performance and improved documentation, to deliver a single cohesive API surface for all ThousandEyes product areas. To get started, visit our v7 API docs.

Cloud Agents Added

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Brasilia, Brazil (Claro)

  • Brasilia, Brazil - IPv6 (Claro)

  • Brasilia, Brazil

  • Brasilia, Brazil - IPv6

  • Manila, Philippines - IPv6 (PLDT/Smart)

2023-11-30 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where an agent was added to the global alert when it violated the metric condition in the final round, regardless of whether it met the overall round condition.

  • To improve load times, clicking on Data suppressed tooltips now redirects to the Alert Suppression page.


Endpoint Agent Client Version 1.178.1

Updated Events for Global Protect VPN

The existing process that logs the connect/disconnect events for the Global Protect VPN product is updated to support upcoming features.

Updated RST Response Handling

When running an in-session path trace, the probe did not always stop after receiving an RST response. The RST response is now fully handled.

Bug Fixes

  • The X-ThousandEyes-Agent header is now set to Yes by default to address the user feedback regarding HTTP tests.

  • During certain Webex AST data rounds, erroneous multiple active media nodes were identified, causing integration issues between Control Hub and ThousandEyes. This has now been resolved.

  • An issue resulting from a recent update to F5's VPN client, causing failure to identify a device connected to F5 VPN, has been resolved.

  • Version 1.175.0 brought an enhancement to probe only those VPN servers that are presently active and used by the host machine. However, it resulted in a problem in the VPN probe collection, where the path visualization did not display the VPN icon in some conditions. This release fixes the issue and restores the correct display of the VPN icon.


All Webhook Notification IDs Updated to a 128-Bit Alphanumeric UUID

As previously announced, we have transitioned all notification IDs associated with webhook integrations from a numeric value to a string-based UUID format. This change was completed on November 18th, 2023, at 10:42 PM UTC.

Customers using custom webhooks will need to update their ID fields to accept string values. Modify your systems to interpret IDs as strings, enclosed in quotation marks; for example, from "id": {{id}} to "id": "{{id}}". For those who deserialize any ID fields as numeric, or if your webhook receiver cannot otherwise handle a 128-bit string value, we strongly advise verifying your system's compatibility with this new format. If your current tool for accepting webhooks from ThousandEyes does not support the new UUID format, make the necessary adjustments or take appropriate actions as soon as possible.


ThousandEyes on Meraki MX: Enhanced Visibility Across Internet and SaaS Dependencies

Meraki customers with an Advanced Security or SDWAN+ license now have access to deploy ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents to their supported Meraki MX networks through the Meraki dashboard. Meraki users can now benefit from enhanced visibility at scale and alerting capabilities by creating customized network and application testing for critical applications using the ThousandEyes platform. To deploy an Enterprise Agent to a Meraki MX network, that network must meet certain minimum criteria such as the firmware version of the device and the model of the device associated with the network.

For more information, see Meraki MX Appliances.


WAN Insights Closed Loop Automation

WAN Insights now supports closed-loop automation for recommendations, with click-through navigation to vAnalytics and vManage, where the recommended path changes can be applied within a structured workflow. Note that vManage 20.12 or higher is required.

  • WAN Insights users who have upgraded to vManage 20.12 or higher can take swifter action on WAN Insights path recommendations. Click Request to Apply in WAN Insights to highlight the recommendation you want to apply in vAnalytics. Then, the vAnalytics click-through workflow directs users to vManage, allowing them to review and apply the recommended AAR policy changes to their network.

  • Before deployment, users can inspect and compare suggested network policy changes with the current configuration, to ensure that the recommended path changes meet network performance requirements.

  • If a rollback is required, you can revert back to the original policy settings by locating the recommendation in WAN Insights and clicking Request to Revert.

See Applying WAN Insights Recommendations for details.


Updates to Test Templates

Add Basic Support for Transaction Tests in Test Template

Templates with transaction tests now support the "web-transactions" test type.

Make Long Test Names Fully Visible in Template Side Panel

Long test names are now fully visible in template side panel. This fixes an issue where the name on the side panel was truncated so that users could not easily determine which test to disable.


Browser Synthetics: Dual Chromium Option with Chromium 118

We're providing an option to run page load and transaction test with Chromium 118 (in addition to the current Chromium 97) used in the Recorder IDE and on ThousandEyes Cloud and Enterprise Agents. This allows customer to try out newer versions of Chromium before we roll out to all agents to ensure continuity of their tests page load and transaction tests across versions.

The customer-facing action items are as follows:

  • Agent auto-updates: We are strongly encouraging all customers to allow agent auto-updates. If you choose not to enable automatic updates to your enterprise agents, you might see an increase in test failures as a result.

  • New test settings and agent settings: To try designated priority tests in the new version of Chromium, create a disabled duplicate version of your test, select your dual Chromium agents from the agent list, and run an instant test to see the results. If you want to test the newer version of Chromium on Enterprise Agents, you must also set the Browserbot Package Type to "Dual Chromium Version" in Agent Settings, so that the agent is capable of using the newer version of Chromium.

See Dual Chromium Option docs pages for more information.

What is Changing

The changes are visible on the following ThousandEyes screens:

  • Cloud & Enterprise Agents > Test Settings for page load and transaction tests

    • A new Chromium option under Browser Options in Advanced tab has options for Default and Use newer when available.

    • Cloud Agent selection in test settings indicates which Cloud Agents have the Dual Chromium option enabled.

  • Enterprise Agent Settings: A new BrowserBot Package Type setting has options for Default and Dual Chromium Version.

  • Recorder IDE will have options for Default and Newer.


New Test Template for Microsoft Teams Monitoring

We have released a new Cloud and Enterprise Agent test template for deploying a suite of ThousandEyes tests to monitor Microsoft Teams. See the Monitoring Microsoft Teams guide for more information.

Support for Enterprise Agents on Intel NUC 12 and NUC 13 Devices

ThousandEyes now supports installing Enterprise Agents on Intel NUC 12 and NUC 13 devices. For more information on installation processes and hardware requirements, see Installing a Physical Appliance.

New Limitation for Plotting Groups in Widgets

We have introduced a limitation on the number of groups that can be plotted in widgets. For variables with high cardinality (more than 50 unique groups), use widget filters to narrow down the groups.

Cloud Agents Added

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Auckland, New Zealand (AWS Local Zone)

  • Auckland, New Zealand (Spark NZ)

  • Berlin, Germany (GCP europe-west10)

  • Fuzhou, China (Alibaba cn-nanjing)

  • Manila, Philippines (AWS Local Zone)

  • Manila, Philippines (Globe-Innove)

  • Nanjing, China (Alibaba cn-nanjing)

  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Alibaba me-central-1)

  • Tel Aviv, Israel (AWS il-central-1)

  • Warsaw, Poland (Azure polandcentral)

Changing Allowlist IP Addresses

This is a final reminder. As previously announced, on October 31, 2023 - today, ThousandEyes will discontinue support for the following IP addresses:



If you are currently allowlisting these IP addresses to receive alert notifications, you should continue to do so until October 31, 2023. However, to avoid a hard stop on your incoming ThousandEyes webhooks, we urge you to update your systems to also allow any or all of the following addresses based on your region:

US1 Region









EU1 Region













After October 31, we strongly advise you to remove and from your allowlist, as we will no longer support them.


Updates to Test Templates

2023-10-23 Bug Fixes

  • Removed the "Look Up Servers" form inputs for DNS trace tests, which were causing an erroneous validation error when left blank. DNS trace tests do not have a list of target servers to test, so this field is not necessary.


Cisco IOS XE Software Web UI Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

Cisco has publicly released a security advisory related to the HTTP Server component in IOS-XE: Cisco Security Advisories.

Until this vulnerability is resolved, the impact to ThousandEyes Enterprise Agents is covered below:

ThousandEyes Impact

While disabling this component does have an impact on the ability to manage the Cisco Application Hosting Framework (also referred to as CAF, IOX, or App Hosting) from the DNA Center (DNAC) environment, it does not directly impact the ability to run a ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent on the Cisco device.

We have done several tests to verify that both existing and new installs of the ThousandEyes Enterprise Agent conducted using the command line interface (CLI) for CAF will not be negatively impacted by disabling the HTTP server component within IOS-XE as specified in the security advisory. That said, our current recommendation is that customers who intend to use DNAC or other external tooling to manage their Cisco network devices follow the instructions within the security advisory to utilize an ACL to only allow trusted devices to access the HTTP server component.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ThousandEyes Support.


Updates to Test Templates

2023-10-16 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Review button was enabled even though the user needed to take action to fix an error.


Additional ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Test Support

Support has been added for the following test metrics:

Endpoint Agent HTTP tests:

  • Availability

  • Response Time

  • Throughput

Endpoint Agent network tests:

  • Loss

  • Latency

  • Jitter

In-Session Mode for Agent-to-Server Test Types

Users can now enable in-session mode for agent-to-server test types (HTTP server, FTP server, page load, transaction, DNS server, and network) to get an accurate path trace when Force TCP SYN mode is selected for end-to-end network probes. This corrects behavior where phantom packet loss could be encountered with some firewall vendors in their default configuration.

To enable this option on an agent-to-server test, select Force SYN as the probing mode, and check the In Session box under Path Trace Mode.

For other test types, the same option is available under the Network section of the Advanced Settings tab.


Path Visualization for Cloud Networks

We have added support for IP address enrichment for cloud-based targets, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS). IP addresses can now be more accurately identified across the global AWS edge network. Additionally, AWS end services will be enriched for better identification like AWS S3, EC2, CloudFront, Route 53, and Global Accelerators. For more information, see Path Visualization for Cloud Networks.


Changing Allowlist IP Addresses

As previously announced, on October 31, 2023, ThousandEyes will discontinue support for the following IP addresses:



If you are currently allowlisting these IP addresses to receive alert notifications, you should continue to do so until October 31, 2023. However, to avoid a hard stop on your incoming ThousandEyes webhooks, we urge you to update your systems to also allow any or all of the following addresses based on your region:

US1 Region









EU1 Region













After October 31, we strongly advise you to remove and from your allowlist, as we will no longer support them.

Microsoft 365 Test Template

We have released a new Cloud and Enterprise Agent test template for deploying a suite of ThousandEyes tests to monitor Microsoft 365. See the Monitoring Microsoft 365 guide for more information.


Update to the Snapshot Expiration Notification

We have made an update to the existing notification regarding snapshot expiration. The update includes the addition of "Dashboard" as a prefix to the notification. This change helps to reduce any confusion that might arise from other snapshot expiration notifications, such as those for the Endpoint Agent. With the new update, the notification will be more specific and will read as follows: 6 Dashboard Snapshots Expiring within 30 days.

ServiceNow, PagerDuty and Slack Integration Updates

ServiceNow, PagerDuty, and Slack integrations are now exclusively managed on the Integrations page. Users can no longer create or manage these integrations from the alert rule Notifications tab. However, the option to assign integrations to alert rules is still available on the alert rule Notifications tab.

Cloud Agents Added

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • New Orleans, LA, USA (IPv4)

  • New Orleans, LA, USA (IPv6)

  • Winnipeg, Canada (Telus)

  • Winnipeg, Canada, (Telus) (IPv6)

2023-09-26 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that was showing erroneous HTML tags in the popup message for certificate errors detected by the Endpoint Agent browser session tests.

  • Fixed an issue that was incorrectly adding the "Copy" suffix to Endpoint Agent labels while generating dashboards using this data.

  • Fixed an issue in the time series widget of the dashboards where the drill-down URL was missing the agentId, resulting in redirecting to the incorrect view.


Updates to Test Templates

Improve Error and Warning Messages for Duplicate Test Names

Error and warning messages for resolving duplicate test names are now clearer.


Cisco Secure Client ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent Module

The Cisco Secure Client ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent module for macOS is available from September 11, 2023. For instructions on accessing and installing the module, see Secure Client Integration.

Changing Allowlist IP Addresses

As previously announced, on October 31, 2023, ThousandEyes will discontinue support for the following IP addresses:



If you are currently allowlisting these IP addresses to receive alert notifications, you should continue to do so until October 31, 2023. However, to avoid a hard stop on your incoming ThousandEyes webhooks, we urge you to update your systems to also allow any or all of the following addresses based on your region:

US1 Region









EU1 Region













After October 31, we strongly advise you to remove and from your allowlist, as we will no longer support them.

WAN Insights: Enhanced Visibility for Cloud OnRamp Applications

WAN Insights now offers extended support for vManage Cloud OnRamp (CoR) applications. For all WAN Insights users who are using vManage's CoR feature to route traffic to SaaS applications in the cloud via Direct Internet Access (DIA), this enhancement adds a seamless way to onboard CoR applications into WAN Insights using WAN Insights' existing workflow for adding new applications.

To onboard CoR applications into WAN Insights, first onboard your CoR applications in vManage. Within 24 hours, your application will show up in WAN Insights, ready for onboarding using the Add new application workflow as described in Adding Business-Critical Applications to WAN Insights.

With the addition of CoR applications, you can now monitor the health and performance of your DIA paths using WAN Insights' comprehensive quality score, troubleshoot reported issues more quickly, and review path recommendations to improve path quality and user experience.


PagerDuty and Slack Integration Updates

The integrations with PagerDuty and Slack for alert notifications are now available on the Integrations page. Users can still create, edit, and assign these integrations to alert rules from the alert rule's Notifications tab. In the future, these integrations will be created and managed exclusively via the Integrations page. However, the ability to assign integrations to alert rules will still be accessible from the alert rule's Notifications tab.

Additional ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry Test Support

Support has been added for the following test metrics:

RTP stream tests:

  • MOSS

  • Loss

  • Discards

  • Latency

SIP server tests:

  • Availability

  • Response Time

  • Total Time

Updated Default Alert Rules for Cloud and Enterprise Agent Tests

As previously announced, new default alert rules will roll out to all customers within the next 5 days. These alert rules will be displayed with a suffix "2.0" in the alert rule name. Any new tests that users create will automatically be associated with the new set of default alerts. Existing tests will continue to use the old set of default alert rules and will remain unaffected. This change will show up in the activity logs as updated by "ThousandEyes Support."

Cloud Agents Added

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands (Lumen)

  • Amsterdam, Netherlands (Lumen) (IPv6)

  • Manila, Philippines (PLDT/Smart)

  • London, England (Lumen)

  • London, England (Lumen) (IPv6)

2023-08-29 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that prevented some users from being added to an account group. This issue affected users whose email was first added to the external mailing list for alert notification purposes and was then added to a new or existing user.

  • Fixed an issue in the Time Series Stacked Bar Chart dashboard widget where the Page Load metric was not showing as a selectable option.

  • In a recent update to the Webex client, the location of the identifier used when integrating Control Hub with ThousandEyes for Webex meeting data was changed. As a result, some users could see the automated session test data for Webex meetings in the ThousandEyes UI, but could not see the corresponding network path data in Control Hub. The issue is resolved in Endpoint Agent client version 1.68.2.


Updates to Test Templates

Test Templates in UI

ThousandEyes can now display user-defined templates in the Test Templates UI. Creation of user-defined templates is supported through the API. When a user creates a test template, all users within the same account group will have the option to select it when deploying a new test template. For more information about user-defined test templates, see User-Defined Test Templates.

Support Automatic DNS Lookups for Deploying Test Templates Using the API

When you deploy a test template using the API, DNS lookup for a DNS test now occurs automatically under the following conditions:

  • The dnsServers field is set to [].

  • The dnsServers field is set to a user input (custom values that can be specified at deploy time).

Remove Error Icon for Skipped Tests in Test Template Deployment

A test with validation errors that is included in test template deployment shows an error icon next to the test name. However, when a test with validation errors is not selected for deployment, it was still showing an error icon next to the test name, which could be confusing. This update removes the error icon from appearing when a test is not selected for deployment.


WAN Insights Throughput Distribution Chart

WAN Insights has introduced a new chart showing throughput distribution titled Egress Traffic Distribution. You can find this chart on the Recommendation Detail modal. This chart visually represents the traffic distribution across each available interface (circuit) within your SD-WAN network.

Key Benefits

  • Policy Verification: Confirm that your configured SD-WAN network policy is actively in effect by viewing the traffic distribution across various interfaces.

  • Performance Monitoring: Identify and monitor traffic volume routed through poorly performing interfaces, enabling timely corrective actions.

  • Quality and Bandwidth Correlation: Empower your network teams to correlate quality drops on SD-WAN interfaces with throughput data. This is the first step in establishing bandwidth saturation as the root cause of performance issues.


Updates to Test Templates

DNS Server Input Is Now Optional

Previously, when a test template already included a DNS test, users still had to provide a DNS server, either manually or using the lookup button in the UI. This extra step added complexity to the test templates process and also created confusion for less experienced users. To ensure a streamlined experience, when a test template includes a DNS test, DNS server information is now looked up automatically. Users can still supply advanced DNS information through global settings.

De-Selecting Tests During Test Template Deployment

Users can now choose to omit some tests during test template deployment. Test templates can include tests that are recommended as a best practice. These tests may not be ideal for the given use case. In these situations, users can opt out of including tests that do not fit their deployment scenario. This prevents users from using more units that are necessary and also prevents users from creating extraneous tests that can add overhead. While this feature has already been supported in the API, users deploying test templates through the UI can now de-select any tests they don't wish to deploy.

Search for Test Templates by Name and Certification Level

Users can now search and filter available test templates by name and certification level.

Badges for Certified Templates and Partner Templates

Certification levels on test templates now have improved visibility with template badges that more clearly indicate if a template is certified, partner certified, or a regular user-defined template. This update is part of our new ThousandEyes Google Cloud Platform (GCP) monitoring, created in collaboration with Google Cloud Platform. For more information about our collaboration with Google Cloud Platform, see Get Network Monitoring Visibility Across Your Google Cloud Environments.


ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent Integration with Webex RoomOS Devices

We are currently deploying the Endpoint Agent client to RoomOS devices. The update to Control Hub and to devices will be completed for all devices (in the stable release track) by August 22, 2023. To learn how to enable Endpoint Agents on Webex RoomOS devices, see Integration with RoomOS.

Cisco Secure Client ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent Module

The Cisco Secure Client ThousandEyes Endpoint Agent module for Windows will be available on August 22, 2023. The macOS version will be available on September 11, 2023. For instructions on accessing and installing the module, see Secure Client Integration.

Updated Default Alert Rules for Cloud and Enterprise Agent Tests

As previously announced, we've revamped our default alert rules to reduce alert noise.

Organizations created after July 18, 2023, now have access to the new default alert rules. For existing organizations, ThousandEyes is rolling out this change over the course of the month.

When the new default alert rules are available to your organization, they display in the ThousandEyes platform UI as Default alert rules 2.0. Any new tests that you create will automatically be associated with Default Alert Rules 2.0. Existing tests, which already have the previous set of default alert rules, will remain unchanged.

Additionally, we've designated the severity level for all of these alerts as Minor.

Pause the Auto-Refresh on Dashboards

Our dashboards now have a pause option for auto-refreshing. To pause the automatic data refresh, click on the spinning timer located in the dashboard header. Alternatively, you can also pause the auto-refresh by opening the dashboard drill-down component or the widget configuration panel. To resume the auto-refresh, click on the spinning timer again or close either the widget configuration or dashboard drill-down components.

Endpoint Agents: Update to the Extended Network Tests Behavior for the Windows Installer

In December, 2022, we updated the Windows Installer to enable the Extended Network Tests feature by default and to include the NPCAP library. Previously, if this option was not selected, and the user had an allowed version of the NPCAP library installed, the agent would not leverage this. We have changed this behavior, and the agent will now utilize the pre-installed NPCAP library (if it is an allowed version). However, in the future, we will only upgrade versions of NPCAP that were originally installed by our installer.

2023-08-15 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue wherein some Endpoint Agents didn't run the number of tests permitted by their license type. Now, all Endpoint Agents run the correct number of tests based on their assignments and license permissions.

  • Fixed an issue in the dashboard widgets that prevented users from applying the Endpoint Agent filter correctly. Previously, the filter box was broken, and the filter would not allow a downward scroll.

  • Fixed an issue in the dashboard widgets where filtered-out locations were incorrectly showing up in the widget results.


Certified and Partner Template Badges

Test Templates now show a badge icon for certified templates and partner templates.

2023-08-09 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the invalid JSON error for page load tests with a fixed value for the httpInterval field.


Automatic DNS Lookups for Test Templates

Test templates now automatically perform the DNS lookup, instead of requiring them to be added manually. Users still have the option to add DNS servers manually.


Drill Down from Dashboards to Specific Tests

Users now have the ability to drill down from any widget in a dashboard to a specific test view. This is supported for all Cloud and Enterprise Agent tests (except BGP), Endpoint Agent tests, and device data in the platform. For example, when users click on a dashboard widget identifying a spike in latency, a window will open listing all the affected tests; click a test and the test view will open in a new window demonstrating the latency spike for this particular test. This feature will make navigation inside the platform significantly easier and allow for quicker resolution time for our customers. Learn more about this feature in our Troubleshooting with Drill Down article.

New Auto-Detect for Endpoint Scheduled Tests and Improved Auto-Detect for ASTs

On August 16, 2023, we will release the auto-detect feature for Endpoint Scheduled Tests and update the auto-detect behavior for Automated Session Tests (ASTs).

As Endpoints roam from one network to another, they may find some of the test probes are blocked. To combat this, we have launched a new method for our automatic detection. At each network change event, the agent will attempt all three network probe methods - ICMP, TCP SACK, and TCP SYN. The agent will use the probe with the best result. If all probes are equal, the agent will default to TCP SACK.

This enhancement will allow customers to rely more on the auto-configuration and not worry about the changing network conditions a user experiences. Agents must be running an Endpoint Agent with version 1.158.1 or later. TCP tests rely on the extended network tests (formerly called TCP tests) installed. If the agent is missing the extended network tests installation, the agent will continue using ICMP for all tests.

Customers whose automated session tests are set to Auto-detect will automatically shift to this new method on August 16, 2023. Customers with scheduled tests may opt into this new method by changing their probe setting to Auto-detect on August 16.

Changing Allow List IP Addresses

In 90 days, ThousandEyes will discontinue support for certain IP addresses. The IP addresses that will no longer be supported are:

If you are currently allowlisting these IP addresses to receive alert notifications, you should continue to do so until October 31, 2023. However, to avoid a hard stop on your incoming ThousandEyes webhooks, we urge you to update your systems to also allow any or all of the following addresses based on your region:

US1 Region

EU1 Region

After October 31, we strongly advise you remove and from your allow list as we will no longer support them.

Updating All Webhook IDs to a 128-Bit Alphanumeric UUID

In approximately 90 days, all IDs for webhook integrations will transition from a numeric value to a string format. This change will be seen on all incoming webhooks across all fields, including but not limited to: Notification ID, Alert Rule ID, Test ID. If you are utilizing custom webhooks, you will need to update ID fields to be enclosed by quotation marks, for example from "id": {{id}} to "id": "{{id}}". This change will ensure your system can correctly receive and process the new string-based UUIDs. For those of you who deserialize any ID fields as a numeric, or if your webhook receiver cannot otherwise handle a 128-bit string value, we highly advise verifying your system's compatibility with this new format. If your current tool for accepting webhooks from ThousandEyes does not support the new UUID format, necessary adjustments or actions should be taken as soon as possible.

Updated Alert ID to a 128-Bit Alphanumeric UUID

As previously announced, in order to support the UUID format in v6 and v7 API endpoints, we have changed the data type of the alertID from integer to string. These changes have occurred in stages between July 31 and August 3, 2023. For details, see the v6 API reference and the v7 API reference.

2023-08-03 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the top-level timespan in our dashboards was not updating the widget timespans appropriately.

  • Resolved an issue where the Endpoint Agent settings in the UI and the associated API calls were incorrectly returning all Endpoint Agents in “View Deleted Agents”. Now, only recoverable agents deleted during the last seven days are returned.

  • Fixed a bug where the Endpoint Agent settings no longer showed the System Proxy option after another proxy was selected. The System Proxy option is now always visible as an option.

Cloud Agents Added

New Cloud Agents have been added in the locations listed below. For a full list of Cloud Agents, see ThousandEyes Cloud Agent Locations.

  • Taipei, Taiwan (FarEastone) (IPv6)

  • Paris, France (Free) (IPv6)

Last updated