Event Management

ThousandEyes supports sending alert notifications to ServiceNow Event Management Services using the ThousandEyes webhook alert notification and the ServiceNow Event Connector for ThousandEyes.

To set up the event connector, there are steps in the ServiceNow platform as well as steps in the ThousandEyes platform.

Steps in the ServiceNow Platform

Create the OAuth application registry for external API endpoints:

  1. Go to All > System OAuth > Application Registries and click New.

  2. Select Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.

  3. In the resulting form, copy the auto-generated Client ID. You will use this value in the steps you perform in the ThousandEyes platform.

  4. In the Redirect URL field, enter the ThousandEyes URL https://app.thousandeyes.com/servicenow-oauth-callback/

With this method of integrating with ServiceNow, you must manually re-configure the Access and Refresh tokens when their lifespans expire. Consult your ServiceNow administrator about an advisable duration for these tokens.

Steps in the ThousandEyes Platform

Do the following in the ThousandEyes platform:

  1. Create a new alert rule. Alternatively, you can use an existing rule whose alerts you want to push to ServiceNow.

  2. Go to the Integrations screen.

  3. Click + New Integration.

  4. Select ServiceNow. The resulting panel displays the following fields:

  5. Click Save.

  6. Back on the Integrations screen, find the new ServiceNow integration you just created.

  7. Click the ellipsis in the last column and select Manage Alert Rules.

  8. Select all the alert rules from all the differet types of alerts that you would like to assign to this integration.

  9. Click Save.

Last updated