Working with Time Zone Settings

The ThousandEyes platform offers user-configurable time zones for ThousandEyes test results, snapshots, live shares and notification emails. Time zone settings can be changed on a per-ThousandEyes user level or at an organization level.

Web Interface

This field sets the time zone for the results timelines of all Views screens (test results) for the current user only.

To set this field, go to Manage > Account Settings > Users and Roles > Profile. Find the Time Zone section and use the dropdown for the Web Interface field.

Change Organization Defaults

If you have the Edit default timezone settings permission, you can set the time zone at an organization level (all users). To configure this setting, go to Manage > Account Settings > Organization Settings > Advanced Settings:

  1. Web UI Timezone: Sets the time zone for the results timelines of all Views screens (test results) for all users in the Organization.

  2. Notification & Snapshots Timezone: Sets the time zone for share links, snapshots and alert notifications for all users in the Organization.

Views Screens (Test Results)

Below is an example of a ThousandEyes user called Bob who has the following time zone settings:

  • Web Interface: UTC - Coordinated Universal Time

  • Notification & Snapshots Timezone: United States - Los Angeles (PST -08:00)

When viewing Network and App Synthetics test results, for example, Bob will have timelines in the Views screen shown in the UTC time zone:

Share links follow the time zone selected for the Notification & Snapshots Timezone setting. Since Bob's organization is using the Pacific (PST) time zone setting, share links generated by Bob will display results as shown below.

Alert Notification Emails

Alert notification emails have a start date and end date according to the time zone of the Notification & Snapshots Timezone setting. Below is a screenshot of an alert email that Bob received, displaying results in the Pacific (PST) time zone.


Snapshots have the the time zone of the Notification & Snapshots Timezone setting.

Last updated