Changing Ownership of a Test

When a test is created, the test is assigned to the account group in which the user is currently working. If the account group of the test needs to be changed after creation, ownership of the test can be changed to a different account group, subject to certain restrictions.

The target account group need not be an account group in the same ThousandEyes organization. If a user is a member of multiple organizations, then the user can move a test from one organization's account group to an account group in another organization to which the user belongs, subject to the restrictions stated below.

In addition to providing steps to change ownership, the information below describes the way existing data is handled, and the effects of the change on other functions in the ThousandEyes platform such as alerting and monthly usage caps.

Requirements and Restrictions

To perform a change of ownership, the following requirements exist:

  • The user must have the Edit Tests in account group permission in the source account group.

  • If the test to be moved is assigned to one or more Cloud Agents that are not visible in the target organization, the agents are replaced according to an algorithm that finds the best substitute if possible, or removes the Cloud Agent from the test. See Agent Replacement below.

  • If the test to be moved has an Enterprise Agent as its target, the Enterprise Agent must meet one of the following criteria, or the change of ownership will fail:

    1. The Enterprise Agent must already be shared from source account group to target account group or from target account group to source account group.

    2. The user moving the test must have a role in the target account group with the Edit Agents in this account group permission. The Enterprise Agent will be automatically shared with the target account group.

  • If the test to be moved is assigned to one or more Enterprise Agents, the Enterprise Agent(s) must meet one of the following criteria, or the the change of ownership will proceed but the Enterprise Agents will be removed from the test:

    1. The Enterprise Agent must already be shared from source account group to target account group or from target account group to source account group.

    2. The user moving the test must have a role in the target account group with the Edit Agents in this account group permission. The user will be prompted as to whether to share the needed Enterprise Agent(s) to the target account group.

  • If the test to be moved is a Routing/BGP test, or has included Network measurements with the Collect BGP data option selected, any BGP private peer will be removed from the test configuration. BGP private peers cannot be shared across account groups.

  • When a test assigned to one or more Cloud Agents or a Routing/BGP test is moved to a new organization, the cost in units to run the test will be assumed by the new organization, starting from the date of ownership change. For organizations that have a per-month cap on units, a check is performed during the ownership change process. If the organization's projected usage to the end of the monthly billing cycle would exceed the cap by assuming ownership of the test, the ownership change will be blocked. In order to make the change of ownership, the test configuration will require modification to consume fewer units. Review the test configuration with the ThousandEyes Unit Calculator, and see how to use the calculator at Calculating Units.

Changing Ownership

To change a test's account group, click the ellipsis (...) in the test's row of the Network & App Synthetics > Test Settings page and click the Transfer Ownership option:

A dialog appears, prompting for the target account group:

Select the target account group in the same or another organization. In the example below, the target account group is "Testing" in the "ThousandEyes Sandbox" organization:

Informational messages may be displayed, indicating what changes will be made in order to change the account group.

You can choose whether to keep a Live Share copy of the test in the source account group via a checkbox, per the image below.

If the change is successful, the dialog indicates that the test has been moved:

Effects of Changing Ownership

In addition to the test appearing under the new account group, some modifications to the test configuration may occur.

Automatic Sharing

The test is automatically shared from the target account group to the source account group. If not needed, the shared test can be removed from the source account group using either source or target account group context, and navigating to Network & App Synthetics > Test Settings. Expand the test's row and, within the General Settings section, expand the Sharing selector and uncheck the box with the name of the source account group. In the example below, the source account group is "Thousandeyes_dev":

Alert Rules

Alert Rules assigned to the original test remain assigned to the shared test in the source account group. If alert rules are needed for the test in the target account group, they must be created in the target account group and assigned to the test.

Agent Replacement

When the target organization does not have access to all of the Cloud Agents assigned to a test being reassigned ownership, the ThousandEyes application attempts to replace agents which are not available in the target organization with new agents using the following rules, in order:

  1. Replace an agent with an agent in the same metropolitan area. For example, replace the "New York 2" Cloud Agent with "New York".

  2. Replace an agent with an agent in the same geographic region. For example, replace "San Francisco" with "Sacramento" (same state).

  3. Replace an agent with an agent in the same country, up to 1000 kilometers from the original agent location. For example, replace "San Francisco" with "Las Vegas" (same country, within 1000 kilometers).

If none of these criteria can be met, the Cloud Agent is removed.

Last updated