Device Agents

Our Device Agents can measure any part of the network or user experience at the point of connectivity or the point of use.

Device Agents on the Router

Our Device Agent can be downloaded or even simply 'enabled' (as in some cases it may already come shipped with the agent software) via a firmware upgrade to your users’ existing routers. This is cost-effective for service providers to deploy test agents across their network at scale without having to send out installation engineers. All measurement results are securely reported back to your account.

We can remotely configure for you the test schedules and device configurations. Different test frequencies may be configured for different instances of the same test, for example hourly speed tests for routers and three-hourly speed-tests for mobile apps.

If the connection is being used, the scheduled tests are paused. The agent will only test when the connection is idle to ensure accurate test results. See Testing Thresholds for more information.

You can also remotely manually trigger download, upload, latency, loss and jitter tests. Results appear instantly in your account.


The Whitebox is a purpose-built hardware measurement agent manufactured by us, capable of measuring fixed-line broadband connections of up to 2.5 Gbps. It supports a wide range of network and application-specific measurements and can detect the presence of user-generated cross traffic.

As well as being used by volunteers in national broadband studies around the world, they’re also used to accelerate early-stage proofs of value for new customers as the Whiteboxes are ready to test out of the box, requiring virtually no setup.

Last updated